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1000+ published projects on the EIPP for its four-year anniversary

EIPP covers now more than 1000 projects across all EU Member States in 25 economic sectors such as Knowledge and Digital Economy, Financing for SMEs and Mid-Caps, Social Infrastructure, Energy Union, Transport and Environment.

date:  29/06/2020

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EIPP covers now more than 1000 projects across all EU Member States in 25 economic sectors such as Knowledge and Digital Economy, Financing for SMEs and Mid-Caps, Social Infrastructure, Energy Union, Transport and Environment. After its launch in June 2016, many of these projects have been contacted by investors and secured financing after being published on the Portal. Have a look at the latest projects published on our website and find out more.

We would like to express here our gratitude to our promoters for their trust and for making the European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) a robust pipeline of 1000 investment projects, as well as to our investors that out of this thesaurus should be able find the precious project matching their profiles and for already making many of the EIPP projects success stories.