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Capital Markets Union: Final report by High-Level Forum pushes for the completion of the CMU

The High-Level Forum (HLF) on Capital Markets Union (CMU) published its final report on the EU's Capital Markets Union on 10 June.

date:  18/06/2020

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The report sets out a series of clear recommendations aimed at moving the EU's capital markets forward. Completing the CMU has now become particularly urgent in order to speed up the EU's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. A fully-fledged CMU would help rebuild the EU's economy, by providing new funding sources for businesses and investment opportunities for Europeans. It will be vital for mobilising much-needed long-term investments in new technologies and infrastructure, to tackle climate change and to deliver Europe's New Green Deal and Digital Agenda. In the final report, the HLF proposes 17 inter-connected ‘game changers’ – measures the EU needs to urgently implement in order to remove the biggest barriers in its capital markets. The HLF is made up of 28 high-level capital markets experts. Through 30 June, Commission services are seeking feedback from stakeholders on the report.