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Make your voice heard. Become a #LIFEAmplifier

As a #LIFEAmplifier, digitally-savvy LIFE projects will spread the word about LIFE's Programme's news, events and press releases while inspiring other LIFE projects to do the same. We will promote your project on LIFE social media channels, helping you reach a wider audience.

CINEA public dashboard launched

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has launched its online public dashboard bringing together all the programmes that have been entrusted to it by the European Commission. The dashboard will allow everyone to find up to date information about the projects supported in each programme, cross-reference them and extract data for potential re-use.

Türkiye-Syria earthquake - what you can do

The city of Brussels is organising a support campaign for victims of the earthquake. People can bring warm clothes or blankets to donate at Brussels Expo Hall 11 until next Sunday, 19 February. To see and share other ideas to help the victims of the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria, visit My IntraComm at the link below.

Throwaway: The history of a modern crisis

On Saturday 18 February, the House of European History in Brussels invites you to the public opening of its new temporary exhibition ‘Throwaway: The history of a modern crisis’. This showing will look at the hidden history of litter in Europe. If we are what we throw away, what does Europe's waste production tell us about its past, present and future?

Watch the latest monthly video message from management

Take a few minutes of your time and watch Aneta Willems, Head of Department D 'Natural resources, climate, sustainable blue economy and clean energy', who gives us a short update with all the latest news about CINEA (past and upcoming events, horizontal and HR topics etc.).

Second phase of EMFAF-funded EU4Ocean kicks off

The EU is committed to promote ocean literacy by granting support to the continuation of the EU4Ocean Coalition. The second phase of EU4Ocean has kicked off at the end of January, following an invitation to tender launched by CINEA in September 2022.

Meet Federico Di Filippi

In our series of short interviews - ‘Meet your colleagues’ - this week we met Federico Di Filippi, Project Adviser in Unit D2 ‘LIFE Environment (Nature & Circular Economy)’. Let us know if you would like to be next!

New bicycle parking in Amsterdam funded by #CEFTransport

On 26 January, two large underground/underwater bicycle parkings were inaugurated close to the the Amsterdam Central Railway Station. These new parkings can accommodate up to 11,000 bicycles. These large infrastructures will contribute to shifting mobility even more away from polluting means of transport.

#H2020Energy project helps tidal array become world leader

The EnFAIT project has been instrumental in supporting and expanding the Shetland Tidal Array, reducing tidal energy costs and increasing its reliability and bankability. The array of three underwater tidal turbines was the first of its kind in 2016. A fourth turbine was added in 2020 and with the recent installation of the 5th and 6th turbines, it becomes the array with the largest number of turbines anywhere in the world.

#LIFEAmplifier campaign launched

The LIFE Programme has just launched a brand-new campaign encouraging their projects to promote their work through social media by becoming #LIFEAmplifiers. Today, 59% of the world's population uses social media. On average, people use channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for two hours and 29 minutes a day. There is an excellent opportunity for your LIFE project to capitalise on this and become a #LIFEAmplifier!

Help us promote CINEA's new public dashboard

CINEA has launched its online public dashboard bringing together all the programmes that have been entrusted to it by the Commission. The CINEA public dashboard is an intuitive and interactive platform that allows users to discover the projects funded by the EU and managed/implemented by CINEA. Help us to promote this new tool - spread the word across your networks!

CINEA Programme Knowledge Sharing Platform launched

Do you have an interesting output (presentation, note, briefing) of cross-cutting nature that you would like to share with CINEA colleagues working with other programmes? Are you interested in finding information across programmes based on the European Green Deal Objectives? Then visit the CINEA Programme Knowledge Sharing Platform.