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Pilot staff exchange programme launched

A call for expression of interest was launched for a brand-new pilot exchange programme and management job shadowing between the six EAs and a select number of Commission DGs. In line with the new common HR strategy, the programme aims to build further opportunities for staff mobility and learning experiences between colleagues.

‘Science for climate action’ featuring H2020 Climate projects

Check DG RTD the newly published brochure ‘Science for climate action’ highlighting the contribution of EU-funded projects to pushing the boundaries of the science underlying the IPCC AR6 Working Group I report. And all of the 22 projects mentioned are managed by CINEA.

Sign up for the Clean Energy and LIFE programme newsletters

If you would like to be kept up to date and get the latest news on the LIFE programme and projects, subscribe to the dedicated newsletter. Interested in sustainable energy and renewables? Sign up now Sign up now to receive the CINEA Clean Energy newsletter highlighting various programme and project news, events, stories and upcoming calls for proposals on the topic.

Latest special 2022 CINEAnews issue available

The winter issue of the Agency's internal magazine, CINEAnews, was published right before the end-of-year break. Read about harmonisation of HR practices within the EAs, the launch of the Green Assist Advisory Services, Dirk Beckers' experience at the service of the EU and much more!

#MyTeam video competition open until 28 February

The competition gives you the opportunity to use your creativity, sense of humour and to spend some fun time with your colleagues in the process.The communication team already shot its video - see the teaser in the link below. What about yours?

Innovation Fund events coming up

On 19 January, policy makers, investors, stakeholders and industries leaders will gather to raise awareness among the community of public and private financiers about the many business opportunities brought about by the Innovation Fund. Furthermore, a half-day virtual Workshop on the potential synergies between EU R&I programmes (notably Horizon 2020) and the Innovation Fund will take place on 8 February.

One week left

There is one week left to submit your application to organise a policy session at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2023. Brush up on the criteria, get tips for a stand-out application, and make sure to submit it by 1 February 2023!

Generation Change

The seventh and last episode of the #LIFEis30 podcast series is available! ‘Generation Change’ gives a voice to members of the new generation of environmental activists and experts, bringing their ideas and aspiration for a more sustainable and greener future.

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays from CINEA's Communication team and all the best for 2023! We’ll be back on Friday 13 January 2023.

Give your old clothes, textiles and electrical appliances a new life

The EMAS team, including the CINEA Green Team, decided to organise a reuse/repair/upcycle collection campaign during the Christmas period in collaboration with the social organisations CYCLUP and Cyréo. If you want to join the campaign, bring your damaged clothes, textiles and electrical appliances and deposit them in one of the boxes in the W910 extension cafeteria by 14 February.

5 questions to Matjaz Kacic

In our series of short interviews - ‘Meet your colleagues’, this week we met Matjaz Kacic from Department A. Let us know if you would like to be next!

Appointment of the CINEA acting Director

On 13 December the Commission decided to appoint Paloma Aba Garrote as acting Director CINEA from 1 January 2023 until the arrival of the new Director in the course of the year. Paloma will also keep leading Department A. We take this opportunity to wish a happy retirement to Dirk who starts a new chapter in his life!

Laptops for Ukraine campaign

If you have a new or used device lying around the house, give it a new life in the hands of a Ukrainian nurse, teacher or student. Your donation could support a hospital to provide essential care, help children to continue their education, or assist a local government to deliver vital services.

EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism fully operational

The Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism has just reached a milestone with the publication of its website. An Aquaculture Technical Seminar was also organised on 13-14 December gathering representatives from the EC and EU Member States. The Assistance Mechanism was established in July 2022 to support the Commission in the implementation of the Strategic guidelines on EU aquaculture.

Give that Christmas turkey a second chance!

Christmas is usually associated with increased food consumption and, as a consequence, huge quantities of unwanted, but still in-date and edible food going to waste each year. Big savings could be made by thinking carefully about only buying the quantity of food that you and your family actually need. If you are still having leftovers over Christmas despite careful planning - read the Green team’s tips to find some inspiration.

#CEFTransport: Inauguration of the Wendlingen-Ulm railway line

The newly built and #CEFTransport supported Wendlingen–Ulm line in Germany was inaugurated on Friday 9 December. The line covers a distance of 60 km, of which 30 km run through new tunnels. It is located on the Rhine-Danube TEN-T Core Network Corridor and overcomes an existing bottleneck.