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Europa support

Read our latest newsletter to find out more about the most recent updates and new features in the Drupal CMS. In this issue, we (... add intro text here...) and the style tip of the month.

Transfer to COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT (DG COMM/A5) of Level 1 support for NEWSROOM

Dear colleagues, The NEWSROOM is a corporate news management system for the Europa web presence. DG COMM as domain leader for external communication is in charge of coordinating the technical support to ensure the EUROPA presence is relevant, coherent and cost-effective. As of Monday, 4 September 2017, the EUROPA service desk, COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT in DG COMM/Unit A5, will be in charge of supporting users as 1st line for any technical matters. From now on, should you have any incident you are requested to contact COMM EUROPA MANAGEMENT ( Best regards, The EUROPA team.

Upcoming training sessions

General trainings Drupal CMS updates Tuesday 11/07 from 9:30 - 13:00 FULL Thursday 10/08 from 9:30 - 13:00 (5 places left) One more session will take place in late August (date TBC) Sign up for the training Specific trainings Events template currently no dates planned Training that focuses on the events content type can be organised if there is sufficient interest. Sign up for the training Consultation template Tuesday 12 September 2017 from 10:00 - 13:00 Tuesday 10 October 2017 from 10:00 - 13:00 To sign up for this training, please contact SG C.4 at:

Style tip of the month

Over-capitalisation can make text look cluttered and harder to read. In page titles, such as publication pages and in consultations, only the first letter and proper nouns should be capitalised. Guidelines for capitalisation