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Newsletter for content contributors August 2017

Newsletter for content contributors August 2017

date:  08/08/2017

Dear CMS user,

Read our latest newsletter to find out more about the most recent updates and new features in the CMS and upcoming CMS training.

In this issue, we provide guidelines on how to use the new tracked changes feature in the CMS, tips on how and when to use bullet points and details of upcoming training sessions on both general CMS use and specific CMS content types.


1.Tracked changes

This feature tracks editorial changes in content within any WYSIWYG fields in a number of content types.

The track change buttons can be used to track, accept or reject changes to content, as follows:








Start tracking changes

Once it is clicked, all changes in that text field will be tracked.



Show changes

Once it is clicked, all changes will be highlighted in the field content.



Accept all changes

By clicking this button, you accept all existing changes made in the concerned field; they will be displayed in the final content.



Reject all changes

By clicking this button, you reject all existing changes made in the concerned field; they will not be displayed in the final content.



Accept change

By selecting a change and clicking this button, you accept a specific, highlighted change made in the concerned field; it will be displayed in the final content.



Reject change

By selecting a change and clicking this button, you reject a specific, highlighted change made in the concerned field; it will not be displayed in the final content

Draft version

When you a view the draft version of a page, all tracked changes will be highlighted in the WYSIWYG. This way, you can see what has happened since the last draft version was saved. Note that all tracked changes must be accepted or rejected before being able to pass it to the validated or published moderation state. The same applies for translations of content too.

To accept or reject changes, you will need to open the edit of the content page, review the changes and use buttons 3 to 6.

Guidelines on how to use tracked changes

2. View changes button

This feature allows you to view the body of the page so you compare the original text against the changes which have been made, and can be used in conjunction with the tracked changes feature, if you want to quickly see which fields have had changes made to them.

Any changes in a draft of a node will be highlighted and displayed at the top of the page (shown in image), when you choose to "View changes", an option presented at the bottom of the back office edit screen, alongside "Save", "Preview" and "Delete".

3. Unpublish translations

This feature allows you to unpublish translations. When editing a particular language version of a node, by removing the check from the box marked 'This translation is published', you take the translation of that language offline.

An unpublished translation will not be visible to normal website users.

This could be useful in a case where an English version has been updated, and you are waiting until the translation is updated, and you do not want outdated translations online.

Find the check-box in the bottom-half of the back-end of a translated node, in the "translation" tab in the left hand side menu.

Guidelines on translations

4. Serving cached versions of your site

The introduction of the new NextEuropa_Varnish module allows your site to be provided to normal website users faster, by serving cached versions of your website.

This mechanism has been improved in the following ways: 

  1. Cache is refreshed with more granularity: only the new or updated published content is refreshed in the cache, not the entire site as it was in previous versions of the platform.
  2. Webmasters now have the possibility to configure rules to be applied whenever a new or updated content (node) is published.
  3. Webmasters also have the possibility to manually flush the entire site cache.
    • This functionality is useful in case you modified sitewide elements (menu, banner etc.) OR needs to urgently change 
    • Warning: this functionality impacts performance and should be used carefully.