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Europa Support - Homepage merge and Global Banner (GLOBAN) – notice on future implementation

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date:  07/11/2017

Homepage merge and Global Banner (GLOBAN) – notice on future implementation

We would like to inform you about the status of two of our on-going projects and explain upcoming impacts that they will have on your websites:

  1. Merge of the homepages of the political and the info sites
    As you know, the existing homepages for Political site and Info site will be merged into one, with a target go live date end August. After the merge, there will be no more need for different links pointing to the two different sites at the top the websites (the component which is known as the site switcher).

    If your site has this “site switcher” implemented, it should be removed once the two homepages are merged , since both links will point to the same URL. If you are using the Europa corporate tools (E.g. Europa Web Content Management System platform or ECL components) we will send you soon instructions on how to proceed in order to remove the component. We are also investigating whether other components need to be adapted due to this change. If you are using a custom-made solution, you would need to identify the impact and prepare for the change.

    Further messages will be sent on this topic including:
    - detailed instructions on what you need to do to remove references to both homepages
    - timing to implement the change

  2. Global Banner (GLOBAN)
    As you know, the global banner is a component that aims to identify those websites that belong to the European Institutions. After a testing period within the Commission, an inter-institutional testing phase is currently taking place, which will finalize in the course of summer. Once the testing  is finalized, unless major issues occur, we will go ahead with the implementation in all European Commission websites.

    Further messages will be sent on this topic including:
    - detailed instructions on what you need to do to have the Global Banner on your site
    - timing to implement the change