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Europa Support - Press releases - Bye bye RAPID, welcome Press Corner

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date:  07/11/2017

Press releases - Bye bye RAPID, welcome Press Corner

As you may have heard, the new EC Press Corner will soon replace the ageing RAPID database. The time has come to make way for a more user-friendly, secure, and efficient way of accessing Commission press releases. Right now the two websites are running in parallel, but in November RAPID will shut down forever.

To get ready for this, we recommend linking only to the EC Press Corner and, where possible, change any existing links and bookmarks you may have in place. But don’t worry, when RAPID goes offline, automatic redirections will be switched on to take users to the same document in the new EC Press Corner. Content will also stay the same and the website interface will exist in all official EU languages.   

We hope you’re just as excited as we are about the new EC Press Corner. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Account Manager or send an email to

European Commission Press Corner url: