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Europa Support - Press releases - Bye bye RAPID

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date:  07/11/2017

Bye bye RAPID

As you might know, the Rapid database for Commission Press Releases will be replaced by 12th of November by the new EC Press Corner.
The content will remain the same, but EC Press Corner offers a more user-friendly, secure and efficient working environment.
The site exists in all official languages.

For the moment, both sites are updated in parallel, but may we ask you to use from now on only links to the Press Corner and no longer to Rapid?
Redirections will be put in place, once Rapid will be off-line, so that any link you had made to Rapid earlier will go to the same document in the Press Corner.

Please do also update your RSS feeds for press releases. If you need help to get the new RSS feed, do not hesitate to contact COMM PRD HELPDESK .

European Commission Press Corner url: