ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Francesco Pignatelli

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Francesco Pignatelli

Programme Manager, DG JRC, European Commission

Francesco Pignatelli is an engineer and spent first years of his career in the Space Industry, as responsible for programme management, business planning and development of large scientific, commercial and training satellite systems. He joined in 2000 the European Commission (EC) and co-ordinated major EU-led space applications programmes (i.e. GALILEO and GMES/Copernicus), systems and services, and inter-institutional activities at Directorate-General level, such as the European Research Area. Member of the EC Delegation of the inter-governmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) was involved in Ministerial Summits political negotiation processes for international agreements in Earth Observation. He is now leading the institutional "Digital Government" research at the EC/JRC, and the European Location Interoperability Solutions for E-government (ELISE) Action in DIGIT’s ISA² Programme. The aim of this activity is to enable the Digital Government through Geospatial and Location Intelligence, to extend the use of the INSPIRE Directive into other thematic sectors, to explore Open Data reuse and Data-Driven Digital governance, and to assess the role of Disruptive Technologies in the Public Sector.