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Audit report on monitoring of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Denmark

The Commission has published its first audit report on the implementation of EU rules on the harmonised monitoring and reporting of AMR in bacteria obtained from certain food and food producing animals. Harmonised monitoring data are crucial to understand current and future AMR trends and to develop strategies to fight AMR. This audit is part of a project whose aim is assessing how Member States are implementing Decision 2013/652/EU. The project should serve to: • provide information to stakeholders about AMR monitoring, • identify common challenges regarding the implementation of legislative requirements, • make recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of monitoring systems, and • disseminate information on good practices. The audit report concludes that Denmark has established a comprehensive and reliable AMR monitoring system. It found in addition that the awareness on AMR has increased at the level of authorities and professional organizations in the human and veterinary health areas, thanks to cooperation and high level initiatives. To further strengthen the monitoring of AMR, some recommendations were made. The report can be found at the "Read more..." link below. An overview report containing the main findings and conclusions identified will be published upon completion of the project.

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Audit activity relating to geographic indications extended to wine sector products

Since 2011, the Commission has undertaken audits in the area of geographical indications (GIs) and traditional specialities guaranteed (TSG) relating to agricultural products and food stuffs. The EU quality schemes for Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) and TSG protect and promote quality agricultural products and foodstuffs, wines and spirit drinks and aim to ensure the protection of their names from inter alia, misuse, evocation and imitation. They also help consumers by giving them information concerning the specific character of the products: An essential feature of the quality schemes is to ensure that consumers can trust the guarantees provided by the labelling, which is only credible if backed by effective verification and controls. As of October 2016, the Commission will be extending the scope of its audits in this area and will undertake the first audit relating to GIs of wine. (The concept of TSG does not apply to wines). This audit will take place in Portugal. Currently over 1750 wine names are registered in the EU representing worldwide sales of over 30 billion EUR. The EU quality logo is granted only to wine products complying with EU rules, and whose specific characteristics are attributable to a specific region. Some traditionally used names for wines might under certain conditions constitute a designation of origin. The E-Bacchus database has further details on the registered wine names:(see Read more...) This database contains of the Register of designations of origin and geographical indications protected in the EU in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and lists • non-EU countries' GIs and names of origin protected in the EU in accordance with bilateral agreements on trade in wine concluded between the EU and the non-EU countries' concerned, • the traditional terms protected in the EU in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.

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Overview Report on audits concerning Geographical indications and traditional specialities

The Commission has just published an overview report on the state of implementation across Member States of official controls for quality schemes (Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs), Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs), Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs) for agricultural products and foodstuffs). These schemes promote and protect names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs. They encourage diverse agricultural production, protect product names from, inter alia, misuse, evocation and imitation and help consumers by giving them information concerning the specific character of the products. The report concludes that official controls, in conjunction with the control activities of the Producer Groups (PGs), provide a reasonable level of assurance concerning the integrity of PDO/PGI/TSG registrations. There is much common ground between official and stakeholder bodies on the main areas where improvements could be made and there is an eagerness to work together to resolve these difficulties for the benefit of all consumers in the EU and beyond. One area where improvement could be made concerns the supervision by the Competent Authorities of control bodies which carry out official controls under delegated authority. The report contains a range of examples of good practices already being implemented in Member States which could be used as a basis for improvement in this and in other areas.

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EU Member States fight Longhorn Beetles

Longhorn beetles introduced from non-European regions are extremely damaging pests as they attack healthy and vigorous deciduous trees and shrubs causing their death and can establish in the majority of EU Member States. Their spread poses a threat to the environment and causes damage predominantly in urban areas. The main pathway for the introduction of these pests is through imports of infested woody planting material and infested wood packaging material (pallets, wood crates etc.). The FVO undertook a series of audits in four Member States affected by outbreaks (Austria, France, Germany and Italy). Drawing from the results of these audits, the FVO has published an overview report which focusses on the situation and controls of four longhorn beetles, namely, Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), Citrus longhorn beetle (Anoplophora chinensis), Red neck longhorn beetle (Aromia bungii) and Round-headed apple tree borer (Saperda candida). The report shows that overall, in the four Member States there is an adequate system in place to keep longhorn beetles under control and that some of the oldest pest outbreak sites have been stabilised, with some outbreaks declared eradicated. The early detection of the infestation and immediate appropriate control measures are crucial for effective campaigns against the pests. The report identifies examples of good practice and includes a summary of the recommendations made to the Member States.

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Talking and acting on animal welfare!

The FVO hosted the 10th meeting of National Contact Points for animal welfare during transport on 1-3 December 2015. The basis for these meetings is Article 24 of Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport. This Article requires mutual assistance and exchange of information between Member States and a contact point to facilitate these exchanges. The meeting followed up on three issues from the previous meeting in December 2014 when the Contact Points had prioritised three points for action: 1. Guidance on official controls of poultry transport. 2. Sharing of Commission interpretations on transport related to all Member States. 3. Making best use of data from satellite navigation systems (SNS). A network document on official controls of poultry transport is in the process of being finalised and should be available in all languages by February 2016. Work is on-going to compile Commission interpretations of legal requirements on transport and it is planned to make these into a single reference document early in 2016. On the third point, although members of the network have identified difficulties in making effective use of SNS data, further inputs are being sought and the group hopes to report on the best way forward on this in early 2016. In response to the European Court of Justice judgement (C-424/13) on animal transport concerning the applicability of Regulation 1/2005 outside the European Union, the meeting identified the need to work on intensified checks of journey logs at places of departure, identifying best practice for contingency plans and supervision of loading of animals at departure as well as for checks at exit points. This will be the focus of the next working group of the network in 2016. The meeting also allowed the network to identify aspects which they considered should be prioritised by a consortium working on a study on best practice for animal welfare during transport. Several members of the network presented their best practices for controls of the trade in puppies. These arrangements and procedures will be shared among all members of the network via the Commission’s CIRCABC platform. The next meeting is scheduled for September 2016.

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Overview reports on audits in the organic sector

The Commission has published three overview reports on the results of audits on organic production and labelling conducted between 2012 and 2014 in EU Member States, as well as in third countries. The objective of the audits was to assess the effectiveness of the control systems in place to ensure that the rules for organic products are being respected. The control systems in most of the 14 Member States visited were well organised, with certain tasks delegated by the Competent Authorities to Control Bodies/Authorities. The main shortcomings identified related to the supervision of these bodies by the Competent Authorities. Other shortcomings related to insufficient exchange of information on irregularities, too few unannounced controls and inadequate enforcement. The six third countries visited had delegated control and certification tasks to Control Bodies. Export certification systems for organic products were in place in all cases. Weaknesses were identified in the supervision of the Control Bodies by national authorities and in the effectiveness of controls at operators. There were five audits to Control Bodies recognised by the Commission for the export of organic products to the EU. Export certification systems were generally reliable, although some weaknesses were identified in the effectiveness of controls at operators.

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Over 200 outbreaks of plant pests found in the EU each year

As required in EU legislation, Member States notify the Commission and other Member States when they find organisms harmful to plants on their territory and these organisms are not already common and widespread in the EU. The Commission has published the first annual report of such notifications. It provides an overview of what was found in 2014, as well as the main trends in the period 2010 to 2014. The total annual number of notifications remains fairly stable, around 200 new cases each year. However, it is very unevenly distributed between the Member States. The Commission examines these notifications on a continuous basis and reacts through the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, and through a monthly summary reported to Management, and where necessary through FVO audits. However, a certain lack in the information provided by Member States is noted, including information on follow-up, which makes it difficult to have a clear and updated picture of the situation and ensure timely follow up, when needed, at EU level. Recent developments, which will help to address this include: • Decision 2014/917/EU adopted in December 2014 sets out detailed rules for the notification of outbreaks and findings of harmful organisms by Member States • Commission is developing together with Member States a web based reporting system and a protocol for notifications. Some harmful organisms and outbreaks are of particular significance and concern in 2014, such as: • Xylella fastidiosa, spreading in the Lecce Region of Italy where it was first identified in 2013, and also recurrently found on coffee plants imported from third countries; • Trioza erytreae, which can carry the very serious 'citrus greening disease', and Popilla japonica, a beetle which attacks a range of plants, were both reported for the first time in continental EU . See full report at:

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Improving animal welfare in Europe

The FVO has published an overview report regarding animal welfare at the time of slaughter. Based on audits to EU Member States, the report explores how effective official controls are to ensure that animals are spared any pain, distress, or suffering during their killing and related operations. The report concludes that gaps found in operator's procedures occurred mostly where official controls had relied solely on direct inspections by the official veterinarian but had not included an audit of the operator’s own procedures and checks of animal welfare. The most significant compromise for animal welfare arose from inappropriate parameters for waterbath stunning of poultry, but where competent authorities had prioritised this issue they were able to achieve operator's compliance.

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New series of audits concerning eggs and eggs products in Member States has been launched

The EU is one of the world's biggest egg producers and a net exporter of eggs and egg products e.g. egg powder, liquid egg etc. Eggs and egg products are considered important food commodities and are consumed on a daily basis in large quantities as such or as an ingredient of other foodstuffs. Egg products can be found in a variety of products such as, baked goods like cookies and cakes, pastas, meat products and food supplements. The FVO launched in 2015 a series of audits focused on eggs and egg products in order to verify that Member States ensure that such products placed on the market, comply with the relevant EU legislation. Compliance covers requirements concerning traceability, labelling and food safety. Six such audits make up the series, three of which have been carried out already with the other three taking place in 2016. These audits cover those Member States with the largest egg production i.e. Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The individual audit reports will be published and after the completion of the audit series an overview report will be prepared identifying good practices, weaknesses found and areas where improvement can be made, which will also be publicly available.

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Flexibility rules within the implementation of the hygiene package

The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are key players in the food sector, especially in rural areas, and have significant potential for growth. Most SMEs are family run businesses with strong links to their customers and a commitment to high standards. EU legislation (The Hygiene Package) includes provisions for flexible application of requirements in SMEs. These flexibility measures can only be applied when the objectives of the legislation are fully met and therefore food safety is not compromised. The application of these measures can have an immediate and positive effect on the competitiveness and employment potential of SMEs. The FVO carried out a series of visits to evaluate the implementation of flexibility rules in small establishments and an overview report was published in 2010 (see 'Read more' below). The report concludes that there was an uneven implementation of flexibility across the different Member States (MS). Some MS had been very proactive in this area while others had not provided the framework for SMEs to avail of flexibility possibilities. However, in some MS, examples of good practice were identified. The European Commission is committed to assist MS in the implementation and dissemination of flexibility measures. In 2013, the FVO organised a workshop on flexibility with the participation of all MS. Great interest was shown by the MS in the introduction and developing of flexibility. The Commission and the FVO continue to promote the application of flexibility provisions. The most recent FVO contributions in this area have been presentations and discussions in the following venues: • Conference on hygiene and flexibility for small producers: Milan, EXPO (June 2015). • Manchester AVESA conference (May 2015) The FVO will participate in the following events: • Italian Society of Preventive Veterinary Medicine: The principles of flexibility of the Hygiene Package applied to small farms and food enterprises (20 November 2015 Perugia, Italy) • Symposium of flexibility and derogations of European Food Safety Legislation 29 October 2015-Bilbao-Spain • Nordic Food Conference: 26-27 January 2016-Copenhagen-Denmark • Piedmont Region – Regional Veterinary Service conference on HACCP and flexibility (11 March 2016 Ivrea, Italy) If you would like further information please contact us on:

Further information

Annual reports

Our annual reports describe the overall outcome of national and Commission control activities to ensure a high level of health and food safety.

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Audit reports

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Overview reports

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Audit map

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Country profiles

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