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4-6th October 2016: Meeting and Webinar on Actions to Prevent Tailbiting and Reduce Tail Docking of Pigs

The European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety is organising a three day meeting at the offices of its Health and Food Audits and Analysis Directorate in Ireland on actions to prevent tailbiting and reduce tail docking of pigs. The programme includes a wide range of relevant topics. It is delivered by experts from industry, Member State Competent Authorities, research bodies, and the EU institutions. Case studies will facilitate the exchange of good practice and workshops will focus on better solutions for the future. The work of the EU FareWellDock ( project will also be presented at this meeting. The meeting is aimed at the authorities of Member States, international organisations, scientists, industry, stakeholders and NGOs. The Agenda can be found below. Please note that proceedings from this meeting, apart from breakout groups, will be broadcast live on the Internet. You can follow these webcasts by searching for "tailbiting" at the "Read more…" link below (when searching, set the "to" date to 06-10-2016). Please send any questions you may have on each presentation to the functional mailbox and we will try to answer as many as we can during the time for questions at the end of each individual presentation. If we cannot answer your question during the webinar, we will forward your question to the presenter for response after the event.

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