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Overview Report on audits concerning Geographical indications and traditional specialities

The Commission has just published an overview report on the state of implementation across Member States of official controls for quality schemes (Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs), Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs), Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs) for agricultural products and foodstuffs). These schemes promote and protect names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs. They encourage diverse agricultural production, protect product names from, inter alia, misuse, evocation and imitation and help consumers by giving them information concerning the specific character of the products. The report concludes that official controls, in conjunction with the control activities of the Producer Groups (PGs), provide a reasonable level of assurance concerning the integrity of PDO/PGI/TSG registrations. There is much common ground between official and stakeholder bodies on the main areas where improvements could be made and there is an eagerness to work together to resolve these difficulties for the benefit of all consumers in the EU and beyond. One area where improvement could be made concerns the supervision by the Competent Authorities of control bodies which carry out official controls under delegated authority. The report contains a range of examples of good practices already being implemented in Member States which could be used as a basis for improvement in this and in other areas.

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Version: 5.3.3