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Agricultural production - crops

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Data extracted on 08 November 2024.

Planned article update: November 2025.


The EU produced 271.6 million tonnes of cereals in 2023, almost the same quantity as in 2022.
Mixed impact of weather on crop production levels: there was a partial rebound in the grain maize harvest (+15.2%) in 2023 but slumps in barley (-8.9%) and oats (-21.3%), with little change in common wheat and spelt (-0.6%) and rye (-0.3%).
Output prices of many crops declines sharply in 2023, including cereals (-25.6%) and oilseeds (-32.6%).
[[File:Agricultural production - crops06-11-2024.xlsx]]

Production of main cereals, EU, 2013-2023

Editorial note: Throughout this article, which deals with time periods when the United Kingdom was a Member State of the European Union, the acronym EU, however, refers to EU-27, the post-Brexit composition of the European Union as of 1 February 2020.

Crops can be broadly categorised into 2 groups: annual and perennial. Annual crops are those that do not last more than 2 growing seasons and typically only one. Perennial crops (e.g. fruit trees and vines) last for more than 2 growing seasons, either dying back after each season or growing continuously; these are also termed permanent crops. Annual crops can be subdivided in winter crops and spring and summer crops. Winter crops are sown in autumn and harvested in the summer of the following year. Spring and summer crops are sown and harvested in the same year. In the EU, wheat, rapeseed, rye, and triticale are typically winter crops, whereas maize, sunflowers, rice, soybeans, potatoes, and sugar beet are summer crops. Barley is common in both its winter and spring varieties.

When making decisions on which annual crops to sow, farmers consider agronomic factors (for example, crop rotations and soil conditions), the availability of labour and machinery, input costs (for example, of seeds and fertilisers), anticipated returns, and policy incentives or restrictions. These decisions have an impact on the production of specific crops from 1 year to the next.

Plants need sunlight, water, healthy soils, air and heat to grow; and farmers need suitable weather and soil moisture conditions to conduct the necessary field operations on time. Crop production is sensitive to weather conditions throughout the growing season and at harvest. For example, heavy spring frosts can damage the leaves of cereals and destroy fruit blossoms. Likewise, summer drought and heatwaves can reduce yield formation, while strong winds and heavy rainfall can incur harvest losses and compromise yield quality.

The important role of weather conditions on the quantity and quality of harvests has a knock-on impact on prices, as the mechanism between supply and demand. It is for this reason that production levels and prices are brought together in this article. As the EU covers a large area with a wide range of climates, the impact of adverse weather conditions on production levels in 1 region may be offset by better conditions in another. However, where the production of certain crops is concentrated in a few regions, EU production levels will be particularly susceptible to adverse weather conditions as well as to pest attacks.

The statistics on crop production in this article are shown at an aggregated level and have been selected from over 100 different crop products for which official statistics are collected.

Full article

Agrometeorological summary

Meteorological factors are of particular significance for yields and production levels, especially precipitation and temperature that determine crop water and heat stress respectively. The 2023 crop year in the EU was influenced by extreme weather events in terms of both temperatures and rainfall[1].

The key seasonal impacts were as follows:

  • Autumn 2022: difficult rapeseed sowing campaign; sowing of winter cereals generally progressed well
  • Winter 2022/2023: mild winter allowed winter crops to enter spring in fair-to-good condition
  • Spring 2023: contrasting weather conditions, yet an overall fair yield outlook except in the Iberian Peninsula and north-eastern regions
  • Summer 2023: heat stress, rain deficits and excessive rain reduced the yield outlook, mainly for sunflowers and spring barley
  • Autumn 2023: a warm start but wet end

A full agro-meteorological report is provided at the end of this article, including 2 maps that highlight the seasonal weather patterns across the regions of the EU that impacted so directly on the harvested production of crops.


The EU's cereal harvest in 2023 remained little different to the low level in 2022

The harvested production of cereals (including rice) across the EU was an estimated 271.6 million tonnes in 2023. This was little different (+0.3%) to the drought-impacted level of 2022. As such, production levels remained considerably lower than the record 307.9 million tonnes recorded in 2014 (see Figure 1).

France harvested 64.2 million tonnes of cereals in 2023, corresponding to 23.7% of the EU's total harvested production. Germany harvested 42.5 million tonnes of cereals (15.6% of the EU total), Poland 35.2 million tonnes (13.0% of the EU total), and Romania 20.8 million tonnes (7.7% of the EU total).

Inclement weather impacted on the harvested production of cereals in several EU countries, but particularly in drought-affected Spain (-38.2%: a decline of 7.4 million tonnes, coming after a decline of 6.2 million tonnes in 2022) and northern European countries like Denmark (-26.0%; a decline of 2.5 million tonnes) and Sweden (-25.7%; a decline of 1.5 million tonnes). By contrast, production levels in 2023 at least partially rebounded from 2022 lows in several other EU countries, particularly Hungary (up 66.1%: an increase of 6.0 million tonnes), France (up 7.2%: an increase of 4.3 million tonnes), and Romania (up 10.2%; an increase of 1.9 million tonnes).

Stacked area chart showing production of main cereals in million tonnes in the EU. Six stacks represent common wheat and spelt, grain maize and corn-cob-mix, barley, oats, rye and maslin and other cereals over the years 2013 to 2023.
Figure 1: Production of main cereals (million tonnes, EU, 2013-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Partial rebound in grain maize harvest: slump in barley and oats' harvests: common wheat and rye harvests down slightly

The EU harvested 125.9 million tonnes of common wheat and spelt in 2023, the equivalent of 46.3% of all cereal grains harvested (see Figure 2). This was 0.8 million tonnes less than in 2022, a decrease of 0.6%, and was principally due to falls in apparent yields, as the area harvested was almost unchanged (-0.1% to 21.9 million hectares). Lower harvested production levels in Spain (a decline of 2.2 million tonnes, the equivalent of -37.9%), Germany (1.1 million tonnes less than in 2022) and Denmark (0.6 million tonnes less than in 2022) were largely countered by higher production in Hungary (an increase of 1.5 million tonnes), France (an increase of 1.4 million tonnes) and Romania (an increase of 0.9 million tonnes).

Doughnut chart showing production of different cereals in percentages in the EU for the year 2023.
Figure 2: Production of cereals (%, EU, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

After the widespread droughts in 2022 that heavily impacted the EU's harvested production of grain maize and corn-cob-mix, there was a partial rebound back to 61.0 million tonnes in 2023 (the equivalent of an increase of 15.2%). There were strong rebounds in the apparent yields in the main producer countries, despite a sharp decline in the area harvested at EU level (down 6.1  to 8.3 million hectares). The harvested production of grain maize and corn-cob-mix rose sharply in Hungary (up 125.7% to 6.2 million tonnes), France (up 18.0% to 12.8 million tonnes), Poland (up 7.6% to 9.0 million tonnes) and Romania (up 8.8% to 8.7 million tonnes).

The EU's harvested production of barley in 2023 slumped to 47.4 million tonnes (down 8.9%, and 4.6 million tonnes less than in 2022). There were considerable contrasts among key producer countries, principally reflecting changes in apparent yields; there was a sharp decline in the harvested production of barley in Spain for the third consecutive year (-46.5%, a reduction of 3.3 million tonnes on the level in 2022) and in Denmark (-38.3%, a reduction of 1.6 million tonnes) but higher levels in France (+7.6%, an increase of 0.9 million tonnes) and Hungary (+39.5%, an increase of 0.6 million tonnes).

The EU harvested 7.8 million tonnes of rye in 2023, a very similar quantity to that in 2022. This was despite a rebound in the area harvested (a rise of 4.6% compared to that in 2022). The flatlining of production in Germany (also -0.3%), which accounted for two-fifths of the EU's production, underpinned the overall EU situation. Elsewhere, the steep declines in rye production in Spain (-46.6%) and Denmark (-13.1%) were largely countered by the rises in Poland (up 5.4%), Hungary (up 59.1%) and Finland (up 41.3%).

The EU's harvested production of oats also slumped in 2023 to 5.9 million tonnes. This was 1.6 million tonnes less than in 2022, equivalent to a decline of 21.3%. With little change in the area of oats harvested (down 1.6%), the fall in production was due to much lower apparent yields in the main producer countries. Among others, the harvested production was down sharply in Spain (-46.5%), Sweden (-44.0%) and Germany (-40.1%).

Stacked vertical bar chart showing production of cereals by main producing Member States as percentage of EU totals. Five columns represent the cereal categories. Totalling 100 percent, each column contains six stacks of five named countries and one for all other EU countries for the year 2023.
Figure 3: Production of cereals by main producing Member States
(% of EU totals, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpnh1)

Prices for EU cereals fell sharply in 2023

Prices for EU cereals fell sharply in 2023, after peaking in the 2nd quarter of 2022: the percentage rate of decline varied between -14.0% for oats and summer cereal mixes to -29.9% for rye and winter cereal mixes. Although the average price for cereals as a whole in 2023 was a quarter less (-25.6%) than in 2022, it remained considerably higher than levels in 2020.

The downward correction in the average price of cereals gained momentum in 2023 (see Figure 4). [2]. The recent volatility in markets should be seen against the relative stability in prices stability over the medium term until late into 2020.

Line chart showing developments of output price indices for cereals. Six lines represent wheat and spelt, grain maize, cereals including seeds, rye and maslin, oats and summer cereal mixtures and barley from the first quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2023. The year 2015 is indexed at 100.
Figure 4: Developments of output price indices for cereals
(2015 = 100, EU, 2015-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apri_pi15_outq)

Potatoes and sugar beet

Two main root crops are grown in the EU, namely sugar beet, grown on 1.5 million hectares across the EU in 2023, and potatoes, grown on another 1.3 million hectares. Other root crops like fodder beet, fodder kale, rutabaga, fodder carrot and turnips are specialist crops grown on a combined total of only an estimated 0.1 million hectares.

The EU is the world's leading producer of beet sugar, accounting for about one-half of global production. However, only 20% of the world's sugar production comes from beet sugar, the other 80% being produced from sugar cane[3].

The EU sugar market was regulated by production quotas until September 2017. The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural development then established a Sugar Market Observatory in order to provide the EU sugar sector with more transparency by means of disseminating market data and short-term analysis in a timely manner.

Sugar beet production and potato production in 2023 were both up moderately on 2022 levels

Following the decision to end production quotas, the EU sugar sector — supported by the CAP — underwent a series of deep reforms to prepare it more effectively for the new challenges and opportunities this would bring. In 2017, EU farmers responded by sowing more sugar beet (the cultivated area across the EU was 16.5% higher than in 2016). The harvested production in 2017 reached a high of 134.2 million tonnes. Steady reductions in the harvested sugar beet area in many of the subsequent years underpinned the downward trend in sugar beet production (see Figure 5). However, there was a small upturn in both harvested area (+2.9%) and apparent yields that resulted in a moderate rise in EU production to 110.3 million tonnes in 2023 (the equivalent of a 6.6% increase).

Almost four-fifths of the EU's production of sugar beet in 2023 came from 4 Member States; these were Germany (with a 28.6% share), France (27.7%), Poland (15.4%) and the Netherlands (6.3%). Germany harvested 31.6 million tonnes of sugar beet in 2023, 3.4 million tonnes more than in 2022 (equivalent to an increase of 11.9%). The harvested production of sugar beet also increased sharply in Poland (up 2.8 million tonnes, the equivalent of a rise of 19.7%) to 16.9 million tonnes. By contrast, there were declines in France and the Netherlands.

Stacked area chart showing production of sugar beet in million tonnes by main producing EU Member State. Five stacks represent Germany, France, Poland, Netherlands and other EU countries over the years 2013 to 2023.
Figure 5: Production of sugar beet
(million tonnes, 2013-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

The EU harvested 48.1 million tonnes of potatoes in 2023, which was 0.7 million tonnes more than in 2022 (the equivalent of a 1.4% increase). This overall rise was underpinned by higher production in Germany (+8.6% to 11.6 million tonnes) and France (+6.7% to 8.6 million tonnes) but lower production in Poland (-7.3% to 5.6 million tonnes) and the Netherlands (-6.1% to 6.5 million tonnes).

Queued horizontal bar chart showing production of potatoes and sugar beet in million tonnes in the EU, individual EU Member States, Switzerland, and Iceland. Each country has two queues representing potatoes (including seed potatoes) and sugar beet (excluding seed) for the year 2023.
Figure 6: Production of potatoes and sugar beet
(million tonnes, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Continued price rises for sugar beet and potatoes in 2023
For the third successive year, the EU's average price of sugar beet rose strongly; the increase of 19.4% in 2023 built on rises of 35.9% in 2022 and 12.3% in 2021 (see Figure 7). Similarly, the EU's average price of potatoes also rose strongly in 2023 (+23.0%), following on from a steep upturn in 2022 (+30.5%).

Line chart showing development of price indices for potatoes and sugar beet in the EU. Two lines represent potatoes (including seed) and sugar beet from first quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2023. The year 2015 is indexed at 100.
Figure 7: Developments of output price indices for potatoes and sugar beet
(2015 = 100, EU, 2015-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apri_pi15_outq)


Rise in overall oilseeds production in 2023, with strong increases in sunflower and soya production

The EU principally cultivates 3 types of oilseed crop; the main 2 are rape and turnip rape, and sunflower, but there is also some soya. The EU harvested an estimated 33.4 million tonnes of oilseeds in 2023, about 0.9 million more tonnes than in 2022.

The harvested production of rape and turnip rape seeds in the EU was 19.6 million tonnes in 2023 (see Figure 8), which was 0.2 million tonnes more than in 2022 (equivalent to a rise of 0.9%). This small increase largely stemmed from an expansion in the area of rape and turnip rape harvested in 2023; the rise to 6.2 million hectares represented an increase in area of 5.2% over that in 2022.

The harvested production of sunflower seeds in the EU rose by 5.3% in 2023, with much higher apparent yields after adverse weather in 2022. The area of sunflower seeds harvested in the EU fell to 4.7 million hectares in 2023 (down 5.0% on 2022). It was a similar development for soya production, with much higher apparent yields more than offsetting a sharp decline in area harvested (down 10.0%); the EU harvested 2.9 million tonnes of soya in 2023, equivalent to a 14.2% increase.

Line chart showing production of rape and turnip rape seed, sunflower seeds and soya in million tonnes in the EU over the years 2013 to 2023.
Figure 8: Production of rape and turnip rape seed, sunflower seeds and soya
(million tonnes, EU, 2013-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Prices of all main oilseeds fell sharply in 2023

The output prices of oilseeds declined sharply from their peaks in 2022; the average EU price of oilseeds in 2023 was 32.6% lower than in 2022 (see Figure 9).

Line chart showing nominal price indices for oilseeds. Three lines represent rape and turnip rape seeds, sunflower and soya from the first quarter of 2015 to the third quarter of 2023. The year 2015 is indexed at 100.
Figure 9: Developments of output price indices for oilseeds
(2015 = 100, EU, 2015-2023)
Source: Eurostat (apri_pi15_outq)


The EU supports the fruit and vegetable sector through its market-management scheme, which has 4 broad goals:

  • a more competitive and market-oriented sector;
  • fewer crisis-related fluctuations in producers' income;
  • greater consumption of fruit and vegetables in the EU; and
  • increased use of eco-friendly cultivation and production techniques.

The EU produces millions of tonnes of fruit every year

The EU produces a wide range of fruit, berries and nuts. An estimated 35.4 million tonnes were harvested in 2023, of which 14.0 million tonnes were pome fruit (apples and pears), 10.6 million tonnes were citrus fruit (such as oranges, satsumas and lemons), 6.3 million tonnes were stone fruit (such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries and plums), 2.6 million tonnes were sub-tropical and tropical fruit (such as figs, kiwis, avocadoes and bananas), 1.2 million tonnes were nuts and 0.7 million tonnes were berries.

The EU's harvested production of both apples and pears in 2023 was less than in in 2022. The 12.0 million tonnes of apples harvested was 0.5 million tonnes less than in 2022 (equivalent to a decline of 3.9%). The 1.8 million tonnes of pears harvested was much lower (-11.7%). The EU's harvested production of stone fruit was 6.3 million tonnes in 2023, only marginally less than in 2022. The harvest production of citrus fruit in 2023 was 10.6 million tonnes, which was slightly higher (+1.6%) than in 2022. This increase in production was underpinned by higher production in Spain after the particularly adverse weather conditions experienced in 2022.

Italy, Poland and Spain are the main EU producers of fruit, but for some specific fruit other Member States were key producers.

32% of EU apple production in Poland; just under one-half of all EU oranges from Spain

Thousands of varieties of apple are grown worldwide, many of which have been created and selected to grow in varied climates. This has enabled commercial apple production to take place in all Member States. Broadly speaking, 3 in every 10 apples produced in the EU in 2023 (32.3%) were harvested in Poland. The other principal apple-producing Member States were Italy (18.8% of the EU total) and France (15.7%).

By contrast, orange production and peach production are much more restricted by climatic conditions (see Figure 10); a little over 90% of all oranges and peaches produced in the EU came from Spain, Italy and Greece.

Queued horizontal bar chart showing production of selected fruit in million tonnes in individual EU Member States and Switzerland. Each country has three queues representing apples, peaches and oranges for the year 2023. Finland, Latvia, Malta, Estonia and Luxembourg are not shown as total production of these three fruit is under 10 000 tonnes.
Figure 10: Production of selected fruit
(million tonnes, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)


Italy and Spain harvested about two-thirds of the EU's tomatoes in 2023. The Netherlands and Spain produced a just over two-fifths of the EU's onions

The EU's harvested production of fresh vegetables (including melons and strawberries) was 60.0 million tonnes in 2023, almost unchanged from the level in 2022 but considerably below the 67.3 million tonnes harvested in 2021. Within the group of fresh vegetables, the harvested production of tomatoes rose moderately (+2.9%) to 16.0 million tonnes in 2023, that of onions also rose moderately (+2.5%) to 6.3 million tonnes, with little change (-0.7%) in the harvested production of carrots at 4.4 million tonnes.

Almost two-thirds of EU tomato production in 2023 was together harvested in Italy (6.0 million tonnes) and Spain (4.0 million tonnes). The harvested production level in Spain partially rebounded (+8.7%) from the relatively low level in 2022. In contrast, the harvested production of tomatoes in Italy declined further in 2023 (down 2.0%).

Six Member States were responsible for three-quarters of the EU's carrot production in 2023: Germany, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain. There was a considerable increase in the production of carrots in Italy (+23.2%) and a slight increase in production in Germany (+2.1%). By contrast, there were relatively sharp declines in Poland (-6.8%) and France (-4.9%), with little change in Spain and the Netherlands.

About three-quarters of the EU's onion production in 2023 was harvested in the Netherlands (up 7.3% to 1.6 million tonnes), Spain (down 2.5% to 1.2 million tonnes), Germany (up 19.0% to 0.8 million tonnes), France (down 3.7% to 0.7 million tonnes) and Poland (down 2.5% to 0.6 million tonnes).

Queued horizontal bar chart showing production of selected vegetables in million tonnes in individual EU Member States. Each country has three queues representing tomatoes, carrots and onions for the year 2023. Slovenia, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia and Luxembourg are not shown as total production of these three vegetables is under 22 000 tonnes.
Figure 11: Production of selected vegetables
(million tonnes, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Grapes for wine

The EU is big player on the world's wine market; in 2020, it accounted for 64% of global production, 48% of consumption and 45% of the wine-growing areas in the world [4].

Harvested production in many of the main grape-producing countries declined sharply in 2022

The total harvested production of grapes for wine in the EU was an estimated 20.9 million tonnes in 2023. This was 2.9 million tonnes less than in 2022 and notably lower than the 25.7 million tonnes in 2018. France, Italy and Spain account for the vast majority of grape production for wine in the EU (see Figure 12). The overall slump in production at the level of the EU was underpinned by lower output in Italy (down 1.6 million tonnes, or -21.5%) and in Spain (down 1.1 million tonnes, or -20.2%). Production in France was very similar to that in 2022 at 6.2 million tonnes.

Doughnut chart showing production of grapes for wine as percentage of EU total in various countries for the year 2023.
Figure 12: Production of grapes for wine (% of EU total, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Olives for oil

The EU is usually the largest producer of olive oil in the world, typically accounting for around two-thirds of global production. Most of the world's production comes from southern Europe, northern Africa and the Near East, as 95% of the olive trees in the world are cultivated in the Mediterranean region. With production concentrated in a relatively small area, the effects of a disease outbreak can have significant implications. For this reason, steps are being taken as a precautionary measure against the spread of the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium [5] which arrived in Italy in 2013.

The EU's harvest of olives for oil rebounded in 2023, on the back of higher production in the 4 main producer countries

Olives often follow a 2 year cycle, with a large crop followed by a smaller one. Sometimes the weather can make these cycles more pronounced. Individual countries can have cycles that run counter to one another.

The harvested production of olives for olive oil in the EU rebounded strongly in 2023 to 9.3 million tonnes. This was 1.7 million tonnes more than the production level in 2022. Nevertheless, it remained well below the 12.2 million tonnes harvested in 2021.

The rebound in 2023 was underpinned by higher production in each of the main 4 producer countries.

Spain is the largest producer country in the EU and the harvested production increased by 1.0 million tonnes to 4.6 million tonnes (the equivalent of an increase of 26.3%). Production in Italy increased by 11.5&% to 2.3 million tonnes in 2023. There was an even sharper increase (+51.8%) in Portugal to 1.2 million tonnes. Production in Greece rose 10.2% to 1.0 million tonnes.

Doughnut chart showing production of olives for olive oil as percentage of EU total in various countries for the year 2023.
Figure 13: Production of olives for olive oil (% of EU total, 2023)
Source: Eurostat (apro_cpsh1)

Agrometeorological review

Autumn 2022

Marked hydrological and agricultural drought conditions in the summer of 2022 and frequent rainfall in early September shortened the rapeseed sowing campaign, which normally starts in the second half of August in the northern half of Europe. Consequently, in several of the main rapeseed-producing countries (e.g. Germany, Poland), part of the sowing of rapeseed occurred outside the optimal window. In Poland, overly wet soils damaged recently sown fields, some of which needed to be re-sown. In Ireland, sowing progressed well despite a substantial rainfall surplus and concluded by the end of October. In October-November, exceptionally warm temperatures and favourable soil moisture conditions in most of the main rapeseed-producing regions allowed late-sown crops to catch up in development. However, in Bulgaria, continued soil moisture deficits caused not only serious delays to sowing, but also negatively affected the area that could be sown, as well as stand emergence and establishment, which eventually resulted in a substantially smaller rapeseed area than originally intended.

The sowing of winter cereals, which usually starts in September/October, progressed well and within a suitable window in most parts of Europe. Serious delays, due to prolonged dry conditions occurred in north-western Italy, southernmost parts of Spain, and south-eastern Bulgaria, where suboptimal soil moisture also created concerns for crop establishment. In most other regions, the prevailing unusually mild temperatures were favourable for crop establishment and early crop biomass development.

Winter 2022-2023

Winter 2022/2023 was warmer than usual in most of Europe. It was drier than usual in western and south-eastern regions, but wetter than usual in central and northern regions.

Above-average temperatures in the western and southern Black Sea region benefited late-sown crops. A rapid rise in temperatures at the end of December through until mid-January initiated de-hardening and snowpack melt in most winter cereal producing regions, increasing the vulnerability of crops to cold spells. De-hardening of winter crops was completed about 2-3 weeks earlier than in 2022, i.e. by the first 10 days of February in most of Europe, and by mid-March in southern Europe and the Black Sea region. However, near-average temperatures from late January onwards in western and central Europe and above-average temperatures in southern and northern regions helped to avoid frost damage.

Minor frost kill damage may have affected parts of Spain (Aragon) due to a series of frost events from 27 February to 3 March. The mild conditions allowed even the late-sown winter crops to establish well and to enter spring in fair-to-good condition in most of Europe. However, a concern over suboptimal soil moisture due to below-average rainfall and warmer-than-usual conditions remained in southern regions. In Spain and Portugal, winter crops started to present water stress. In Spain and Italy, water reserves (partly in the form of Alpine snowpacks) required for irrigation in spring and summer, remained exceptionally low for the time of year.

Spring 2023

Spring 2023 was marked by strong weather contrasts, across the weeks and between regions.

In the Iberian Peninsula, the severe rainfall deficit intensified, leading to increased concerns for winter crops and spring barley. Suboptimal soil moisture and low levels in water reservoirs affected decisions on spring sowing in Spain, as well as in northern Italy, at the expense of water-demanding crops, such as rice and grain maize.

In many other parts of Europe, wet and colder than usual conditions until mid-May delayed spring sowing and disrupted other field operations. Winter crops partly benefited from these conditions, especially in southern-central and south-eastern Europe.

In April, dry conditions started to develop in north-eastern Europe, which deepened and widened during May, negatively affecting the growth of winter, spring, and summer crops, mainly in Scandinavia, the Baltic Sea countries, northern Poland, and eastern Germany.

At EU level, yield expectations for most crops remained close to or above the 5-year average. The main exception was for spring barley, for the Scandinavian and Baltic countries are key producers.

Summer 2023

Summer 2023 was characterised by above-average temperatures in most of Europe, with heatwaves and, in many places, record-high positive temperature anomalies. Rainfall was also above average in most regions.

In terms of average daily temperatures, summer 2023 ranked among the 3 warmest since 1991 in most of the Iberian Peninsula, France, parts of northern Scandinavia, and from western Ukraine southward to eastern Romania and Bulgaria, as well as in parts of Türkiye. In many of these regions, the number of hot days (temperatures above 30 °C) was 15 or more days above the 1991-2022 long-term average (LTA). On the hottest days, numerous regions experienced maximum temperatures exceeding 40 °C. Heat stress reduced yield expectations, especially for sunflowers and grain maize in Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece, where conditions were also drier than usual.

Exceptionally hot periods then often ended with heavy rain and hailstorms. Torrential rains, and localised but severe thunderstorms, caused flooding and substantial damage to crops in northern Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia. For example, in northern Italy hail damage was reported to crops, including fruit trees, in Trentino-Alto Adige, to summer crops in northern parts of Emilia-Romagna, and to summer crops in Piemonte, Lombardia, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, and Veneto. In Greece, unprecedented floods in early September in the Thessaly region, which accounts for 22% of the national production of grain maize, resulted in severe damage to summer crops.

Map showing a synthesis of the seasonal weather across the EU between 21 May 2023 and 10 July 2023.
Map 1: Weather, seasonal synethesis
(Reference period: 21 May - 10 July 2023)
Source: EC Joint Research Centre - Agri4cast project

In large parts of northern and northern central Europe, the dry conditions that prevailed during spring continued until mid-June, but several of these regions remained drier than usual until mid-July. This was followed by several weeks of exceptionally wet conditions in most of northern and parts of central Europe. These conditions were generally favourable for summer crops in these regions, but not for the ripening and harvesting of winter crops and spring cereals, which faced an increased risk of harvest losses, and deteriorating grain quality.

At EU level, the yield outlook for spring barley further worsened, but it remained close to the 5-year average for winter crops and summer crops, mainly because the below-average expectations in regions hit by excessively wet, hot and/or dry conditions were offset by expectations for above-average yields in other regions.

Map showing a synthesis of the seasonal weather across the EU between 11 July 2023 and 31 August 2023.
Map 2: Weather, seasonal synthesis
(Reference period: 11 July - 31 August 2023)
Source: EC Joint Research Centre - Agri4cast project

Autumn 2023

The first half of autumn (until mid-October) was the warmest on record in most parts of Europe. In northern Europe, the mild temperatures, combined with adequate soil moisture conditions and high levels of sunshine, provided favourable conditions for continued growth, ripening and harvesting of summer crops. However, temperatures in the south reached much higher levels. In significant parts of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Greece, rainfall also ranked among the lowest on record, resulting in further worsening of yield expectations of grain maize and sunflowers, but providing adequate conditions for harvesting of these crops.

The second half of October and November were characterised by frequent heavy rainfall hampering the completion of the harvesting campaign in western and northern-central Europe; particularly of potatoes and sugar beet.

Source data for tables and graphs

Data sources

Crops statistics

Statistics on crop products are collected under Regulation (EC) No 543/2009 and obtained by sample surveys, supplemented by administrative data and estimates based on expert observations. The sources vary from one EU Member State to another because of national conditions and statistical practices. National statistical institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for data collection in accordance with EU regulations. The finalised data sent to Eurostat are as harmonised as possible. Eurostat is responsible for establishing EU aggregates.

The statistics that are collected on agricultural products relate to more than 100 individual crop products. Information is collected for the area under cultivation (expressed in 1 000 hectares), the quantity harvested (expressed in 1 000 tonnes) and the yield (expressed in tonnes per hectare). For some products, data at a national level may be supplemented by regional statistics at NUTS levels 1 or 2.

Agricultural price statistics

EU agricultural price statistics (APS) are based on voluntary agreements between Eurostat and the EU Member States.

National statistical institutes or Ministries of Agriculture are responsible for collecting absolute prices and calculating corresponding average prices for their country, as well as for calculating price indices and periodically updating the weights.

Price indices are reported quarterly and annually. Absolute prices are reported annually. The agricultural prices expressed in national currency are converted into euro by Eurostat using fixed exchange rates or financial market exchange rates, in order to allow comparisons between the EU Member States. Eurostat is responsible for calculating indices for the EU.


There is a diverse range of natural environments, climates and farming practices across the EU, reflected in the broad array of food and drink products that are made available for human consumption and animal feed, as well as a range of inputs for non-food processes. Indeed, agricultural products form a major part of the cultural identity of the EU's people and its regions.

Statistics on agricultural products may be used to analyse developments within agricultural markets in order to help distinguish between cycles and changing production patterns; they can also be used to study how markets respond to policy actions. Agricultural product data also provide supply-side information, furthering understanding as regards price developments which are of particular interest to agricultural commodity traders and policy analysts.

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Crops products (apro_cp)
Crop statistics (area, production and yield) (apro_acs)
Crop statistics (from 2000 onwards) (apro_acs_a)


  1. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission produces a series of monthly bulletins concerning weather conditions in relation to crop performance and expected yields in Europe. The analysis is conducted at the EU and Member State level, and also comprises several neighbouring countries/regions (United Kingdom, North Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan).
  2. See the News Item, [1] 'Halt in sharp agricultural price rises in 2023. Although outside the period of analysis, there have been further [2] 'agricultural price declines'.
  3. European Commission's Directorate- General of Agriculture and Rural Development:
  4. For further information, see the overview of the wine market from the European Commission's Directorate- General of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  5. For further information see the plant health and biosecurity products pages of the European Commission.