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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:49, 9 March 2010 Banner EDC-RP.png (file) 254 KB Banner for all articles under "Environmental Data Centre on Natural Resources and Products" 1
17:01, 9 March 2010 Single economy cycle.PNG (file) 14 KB Simplified economic cycle (single economy) 1
17:05, 9 March 2010 Single economy cycle.png (file) 14 KB Simplified economic cycle (single economy) 1
17:09, 9 March 2010 Economy RoW cycle.PNG (file) 21 KB Extended economic cycle - including relations with rest of the world (RoW) 1
17:23, 9 March 2010 Environment economy cycle.PNG (file) 21 KB The economic system is embedded into the environment 1
16:55, 18 September 2012 Material Flow Accounts.xls (file) 754 KB   1
17:44, 6 November 2013 Domestic and global CO2 emissions - production and consumption perspective, EU-27 (tonnes CO2 per inhabitant).png (file) 19 KB   1
17:45, 6 November 2013 CO2 emissions induced by final use, by product groups and categories of final use, EU-27 (kg of CO2 per inhabitant).png (file) 30 KB   1
11:09, 8 November 2013 Carbon dioxide emissions from Final Consumption.xls (file) 280 KB   1
12:19, 29 October 2014 Res Prod (GDP DMC) by country 2000-2013.png (file) 55 KB   1
12:30, 29 October 2014 Resource productivity 29Oct2014.xlsx (file) 50 KB   1
09:58, 23 July 2018 Material flow accounts and resource productivity 19July2018.xlsx (file) 274 KB   1
10:04, 23 July 2018 Physical imports and exports 20July2018.xlsx (file) 126 KB   1
10:50, 23 July 2018 Resource productivity statistics 20Jul2018.xlsx (file) 206 KB   1
08:38, 7 May 2020 'Domestic energy footprints' of goods and services deliverd to main categories of final uses European Union (EU-27), 2017, Terajoule.png (file) 79 KB   1
08:38, 7 May 2020 Comparison of main indicators; EU-27 2014-2018 (Terajoules).png (file) 30 KB   1
08:40, 7 May 2020 Net domestic energy use by economic activities European Union (EU-27), 2017.png (file) 62 KB   2
08:41, 7 May 2020 Net domestic energy use and gross value added by 64 production activities.PNG (file) 118 KB   1
08:56, 7 May 2020 SE article PEFA data.xls (file) 204 KB   1
16:48, 22 February 2021 CO2 emissions due to final use of three products with highest CO2 emission footprints, EU-27, 2014-2019 (kilograms per person).png (file) 41 KB   1
18:06, 1 March 2021 Net domestic energy use by economic activities European Union (EU-27), 2018.png (file) 62 KB   1
18:40, 1 March 2021 Net domestic energy use and gross value added by 64 production activities, 2018.png (file) 118 KB   1
18:42, 1 March 2021 SE article SE article PEFA data 2021 03.xlsx (file) 243 KB   1
18:45, 1 March 2021 Comparison of main indicators; EU-27 2014-2019 (Terajoules).png (file) 31 KB   1
14:37, 9 March 2022 Net domestic energy use by economic activities European Union (EU-27), 2019.png (file) 62 KB   1
15:01, 9 March 2022 Net domestic energy use and gross value added by 64 production activities, 2019.png (file) 118 KB   1
15:03, 9 March 2022 'Domestic energy footprints' of goods and services delivered to main categories of final uses European Union (EU-27), 2019, Terajoule.png (file) 80 KB   1
15:11, 9 March 2022 SE article PEFA data update 2022.xlsx (file) 259 KB   1
16:29, 15 March 2022 CO2 emissions in exports versus avoided emissions due to imports, EU-27, 2014-2019.png (file) 42 KB   3
17:25, 15 March 2022 CO2 footprints, by product group, EU-27, 2019.png (file) 77 KB   3
17:26, 15 March 2022 CO2 emissions due to final use of products, by type of final use and origin, EU-27, 2019.png (file) 78 KB   3
17:27, 15 March 2022 CO2 emissions due to final use of three products with highest CO2 emission footprints, EU-27, 2014-2019 (kg per person).png (file) 42 KB   2
13:57, 17 March 2022 CO2 emissions — production and consumption perspective, EU-27, 2019.png (file) 74 KB   3
17:57, 14 February 2023 Material extraction and consumption in EU and non-EU rest of the world, 2020 (Billion tonnes).png (file) 30 KB   1
18:01, 14 February 2023 Raw material equivalents 14 February 2023.xlsx (file) 1.42 MB   1
17:16, 11 August 2023 Fig 1 - Share of external inflow from neighbouring territories in renewable freshwater resources - long-term average (%).png (file) 75 KB   1
17:26, 11 August 2023 Share of external inflow from neighbouring territories in renewable freshwater resources - long-term average (%).pnger resources - long-term average (%).png (file) 75 KB   1
17:34, 11 August 2023 Tab 3 - Share of the population connected to at least secondary urban wastewater treatment, 2002-2020 (%).png (file) 60 KB   1
17:43, 11 August 2023 Water statistics, September 2023.xlsx (file) 325 KB   1
11:23, 17 August 2023 CO₂-emissions by perspective, EU 2010-2020, billion tonnes.png (file) 43 KB   1
11:24, 17 August 2023 Global CO₂-emissions - EU vis-a-vis the rest of the world, 2020, billion tonnes.png (file) 27 KB   1
11:25, 17 August 2023 Origin of EU's consumption-based CO₂-emissions, 2020 country of origin.png (file) 32 KB   1
11:25, 17 August 2023 Destination of EU's production-based CO₂-emissions, 2020 country of origin.png (file) 33 KB   1
11:26, 17 August 2023 Greenhouse gas emission statistics - carbon footprints - tables and figures.xlsx (file) 1.58 MB   1
13:03, 4 January 2024 SE article PEFA 2024-01-04.xlsx (file) 8.98 MB   1
16:20, 12 February 2024 Raw material consumption (RMC) by main material categories, EU, 2000-2022 (t per cap).png (file) 58 KB   2
17:16, 12 February 2024 Material footprint (RMC) by country, 2022 and 2010, t per cap.png (file) 63 KB   2
17:18, 12 February 2024 Material extraction and consumption in EU and non-EU rest of the world, 2021 (Billion tonnes).png (file) 22 KB   1
17:19, 12 February 2024 Raw material consumption (RMC) as result of final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation, by type of material, EU, 2021 (tonnes per capita).png (file) 32 KB   1
17:20, 12 February 2024 Products with highest raw material consumption (RMC) by type of material, EU, 2021.png (file) 61 KB   1
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