
A thank you to the Ambassadors of the 2010 European Year

People sitting outside a house © European Commission

Throughout the Year Ambassadors were key in raising visibility. They attended workshops, festivals, participated, spoke, gave testimonies, moved, came, went, travelled and much much more. They were musicians and singers, people experiencing poverty, business men and NGO representatives, sportsmen and social workers, politicians and writers and others. Without their contribution the European Year would not have touched so many people and achieved as much as it did.

A special thank you for the involvement of all ambassadors of the European Year:

Thanks to your involvement we managed to relay the messages of the European Year through out the 29 participating countries.

The variety of your interest is impressive! We value the commitment you demonstrated in lending your expertise and giving up your time for the promotion of the European Year and the fight against poverty and social exclusion.

Although the year is now over, the spirit that it has created will surely carry on and we appreciate your contribution.

Together we made this Year a success! We are building a fairer Europe where everyone could live in dignity.

Thank you!