
Poverty target: What role for social services? A contribution from the European Social Network

As a contribution to the European Year 2010, the European Social Network (ESN) has launched a debate about the challenges for social services in supporting people to overcome poverty and social exclusion. According to ESN, income poverty is seldom a problem which exists in isolation.

The most vulnerable people are struggling with issues such as addiction, debt, mental illness or disability, which cause poverty or which are compounded by poverty. Some people may not be poor (by the relative poverty measure) but still need support to have a good quality of life. Each person’s situation is different.

Social services will play their part in this by providing benefit payments to help people cover the cost of living, housing and care. But benefit payments are only one part of the approach. Local social services provide a wide range of support and care, tailored to users’ situation and needs. Their commitment is central to achieving the European target on poverty.

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