
AGE, Platform Europe active in the EY2010

Given that people aged 65 and over are the fastest growing part of the EU’s population, AGE Platform members are lobbying national governments and European Institutions to use the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion as an opportunity to address specific threats faced by older people today.

To mark the launching of the Year, AGE Platform members put forward their common message for 2010: Guarantee Decent Life and Respect Human Dignity in Old Age!

AGE members are asking national governments and the European Commission for:

  • Adequate minimum income in old age to protect the most vulnerable older people
  • Budget standards for an adequate minimum pension
  • National targets for poverty reduction breakdown by age and gender
  • Direct focus on older people’s poverty in national social inclusion strategies
  • Gender equality in retirement preventing older women from falling into poverty
  • Support to the most vulnerable older people to claim their rights
  • Employment measures combating in-work poverty
  • Quality standards for health and long-term care services