
European e-Skills Week

Küldő 01/03 Címzett 05/03

The European Commission adopted in September 2007 a Communication on "e-Skills for the 21st Century" presenting a long term e-skills agenda for Europe and including key action lines at EU level. Further developing the long term e-skills strategy to encompass higher level innovation skills is a necessity and a logical next step for supporting European growth and competitiveness. Stakeholders also welcome the intention of the Commission to organise a major European awareness campaign.

European e-Skills Week highlights the growing demand for skilled ICT users and professionals to drive a competitive and innovative Europe. This campaign seeks to inform students, young professionals and SMEs about the vast range of opportunities that ICT-related jobs present. Throughout the coming months, public authorities, ICT companies, education institutions and students will engage in hundreds of activities, training events, competitions and much more. The awareness campaign will culminate in a dedicated European e-Skills Week from 1 to 5 March 2010.

Organiser: European Commission
Location: Opening event: Hannover, Germany, Closing event: Brussels, Belgium

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