
The Family and Social Inclusion Committee

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The Family and Social Inclusion Committee (FaSI) is part of the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP). Gathering National social security institutions from different UE member states, its scope covers family policies as well as social inclusion measures implemented at national level. It offers an arena for discussion and exchanges of practices among its founding members, such as the Dutch Institute for Employee benefit schemes (UWV), the French National Family benefit funds (CNAF) and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

In the frame of the 2010, European Year against poverty, the FaSI’s work is now fully enshrined within the European Agenda. For example, on September 14th, it introduced the EU policies related to family and social inclusion policies with a special focus on the 2010, European Year initiative.

As previously mentioned, the Committee is open to all social protection institutions from any member state through the ESIP’s membership.
