
3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research Entrepreneurial Learning and the Role of Universities

Küldő 23/09 Címzett 25/09

3. EMUNI konferenca o visokem šolstvu in raziskovanju Podjetniško učenje in vloga univerz

The 3rd EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research will focus on Entrepreneurial learning and the role of universities.

Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Institutions are becoming more and more aware of the crucial role of Entrepreneurial education and academic cooperation with Enterprise sector as well as the crucial role of universities in the promotion of Intercultural dialogue in Business environment. The Union for the Mediterranean has recognised the importance of this field by making The Mediterranean Business Development Initiative as one of the six priorities of the Union.

Conference subject areas/Sessions

  • University/enterprise cooperation
  • University fund raising and EU projects
  • The role of Entrepreneurial education in the development of priorities of Euro-Mediterranean (De-pollution of the Mediterranean, Maritime and Land Highways, Civil Protection, Alternative Energies, Higher Education and Research, The Mediterranean Business Development Initiative)
  • Lifelong Learning, Training and Education courses
  • Increasing employability of graduates
  • Recognition of knowledge, gained in practice
  • Learning Entrepreneurship in different Cultural Environments
  • National Higher Education Policy on Entrepreneurial Learning

Organised by: Euro-Mediterranean Univesity (EMUNI University)

Location: Portorož, Slovenia

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