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Tasha de Vasconcelos

Tasha de Vasconcelos

European Union

Profession: Supermodel and actress
Country: Portugal

Tasha de Vasconcelos was born in Beira, in Mozambique. At 8 years old, she faced the civil war and a revolution. At 13 she and her family moved first to Portugal, and then on to Canada.

Supermodel with an international profile, Tasha de Vasconcelos is also an actress who has appeared on stage, television, and film. But her true vocation is in her humanitarian work. She has undertaken special missions for the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund in South Africa, and served as Goodwill Volunteer for UNICEF. She also worked in Mozambique with UNAIDS as Special Campaigner for Children.

In 2009, she was nominated as the first ambassador of the Pasteur Institute.

Furthermore, Tasha de Vasconcelos founded the AMOR Association (Aide Mondiale Orphelins Réconfort) in 2006, with the support of Prince Albert II. Working with trusted local agencies and international partners, AMOR aims to contribute to significant reductions in global infant and maternal mortality rates. On the 15th April 2009, Tasha opened AMOR's first project, a maternity unit in Malawi, financed, built and equipped entirely by AMOR.

“Having been active in fighting poverty in Africa for so many years, I feel naturally and totally concerned by the 84 million European citizens being at stake of poverty. For this reason, I decided to support the “2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion” by acting as campaign ambassador.”