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Providing a coherent response

Providing a coherent response

When dealing with a major crisis, time is of the essence. Careful coordination and planning is required to ensure that the response is both quick and efficient. In order to deliver the best possible support, the EU runs an Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC).

Operating around the clock, the ERCC monitors crises as they unfold and coordinates the delivery of aid and the deployment of expertise to disaster areas. In addition, the ERCC provides a central communications link between national and international partners that are offering help, along with those in the field who are working hard to assist suffering people.

The ERCC is the operational heart of the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism and responds to emergencies across the world.

Providing a coherent response prev
Belgium, 2015: Inside the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre © EU | ECHO | Ezequiel Scagnetti