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Humanitarian principles

Humanitarian principles

The EU provides humanitarian aid in accordance with the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

Complying with these principles means that aid is more likely to reach those in need, especially in conflict situations. The sole focus of the EU's humanitarian aid is to help people, without taking sides nor serving any political agenda.

What do the humanitarian principles mean in practice? Humanity: Human suffering must be addressed, with particular attention to the most vulnerable. The dignity of all victims must be respected and protected. Neutrality: Humanitarian aid must not favour any side in an armed conflict or other dispute. Impartiality: Humanitarian aid must be provided solely on the basis of need, without discrimination of any kind between or within affected populations. Independence: Humanitarian objectives are independent of political, economic, military or other agendas.

EU humanitarian aid is also provided in accordance with international law, including International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Refugee Law.

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Jordan, 2015: Signs of hope: Each footprint represents the birth of a new baby for the Syrian refugee community © EU | ECHO | Caroline Gluck