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Giving shelter

Giving shelter

Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and earthquakes can destroy people’s homes in an instant. Man-made crises like armed conflict can also rapidly displace civilians as they flee from fighting.

Under such conditions, providing shelter is a vital necessity. People need protection and a safe place to stay. Good temporary accommodation can also help communities stay fit and healthy.

The EU is well aware of the importance of these needs and typically spends over 10 % of its humanitarian aid budget on providing shelter in disaster-hit areas across the world.

Funding is provided for robust temporary housing solutions that can help communities get back on their feet. Meanwhile, ‘temporary’ shelter can end up becoming people’s homes for many years. Therefore, the EU works hard to ensure that building materials are of good quality and that construction methods are of a high standard.

The EU also collaborates with international partners in the Shelter Cluster initiative, which aims to deliver support quickly and efficiently in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

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Kurdistan region of Iraq, 2014: Life in the Kawergosk refugee camp, Erbil © EU | ECHO | Caroline Gluck