OOTS catalogueCatalogue of reusable

The European Commission and Member States focus on developing services and solutions to implement and further deploy the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS). To avoid reinventing the wheel and instead rely on cost-efficient solutions, a catalogue of reusable services has been developed. This catalogue comprises a list of services and solutions made available by the European Commission and Member States to support the deployment of the system. This list will undergo regular iterations to ensure the best and most up-to-date support for the national implementers and developers.

illustration Once Only Technical System (OOTS), a laptop shows secure documents

Architectural design of the Once-Only Technical System

Reusable services and components of the architecture

  • eDelivery
  • eIDAS
  • Common Services
  • Preview Space
  • Intermediary Platform Solutions
  • Testing
  • Communications and Support
  • Vocabularies


eDelivery Building Block
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: required
  • License: EUPL

eDelivery provides technical specifications and standards, installable software and ancillary services to allow projects to create a network of nodes for secure digital data exchange. By building with eDelivery, public and private organisations from different sectors can easily create a safe and interoperable channel to transfer documents and data among each other over a public or private network.

Harmony eDelivery Access
  • What: eDelivery Solution
  • Provider: NIIS
  • Implementation status: voluntary
  • Software: open source
  • Main language: Java
  • License: EUPL

Harmony eDelivery Access by NIIS is a free and actively maintained open source component for joining one or more eDelivery policy domains. Harmony eDelivery Access provides a unified technology stack, an automated installation and upgrade process for selected platforms, and step-by-step installation and upgrade instructions.

For more details about Harmony eDelivery Access

  • What: eDelivery Solution
  • Provider: Philip Helger
  • Implementation status: voluntary
  • Software: open source
  • Main language: Java
  • License: Apache 2.0

phase4 is an open source library that can be used to send and receive AS4 messages according to the CEF eDelivery Building Block. It is heavily used in production systems, especially Peppol-based.

For more details about phase4

Other conformant eDelivery solutions
  • What: eDelivery Solution
  • Provider: Member State / private / institutions
  • Implementation status: voluntary
  • Software: multiple
  • Main language: multiple
  • License: multiple

Member States and private institutions have developed and are offering additional eDelivery solutions and programmes which may be of use to national implementers.

For more details about these conformant eDelivery solutions: eDelivery AS4 conformant solutions

If your solution is not mentioned on this list, but you would like to be included, please contact the Service Desk.


eID Building Block
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: required
  • License: EUPL

OOTS uses the eID Building Block to identify and authenticate the user. It may also be used by the Data Service if the user is asked to re-authenticate.

Common Services

Data Service Directory specifications
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: required
  • License: EUPL

The Data Service Directory maintains a catalogue of evidence providers with the evidence types they are able to provide upon request using their Data Services. It is used in the evidence exchange process by the evidence requesters to discover the evidence providers that can provide the evidences they require, and the required metadata.

Evidence Broker specifications
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: required
  • License: EUPL

The Evidence Broker publishes which types of evidence Member States can provide to prove a particular requirement of a procedure. Using the mapping from criteria or information requirements to possible evidence types, it can find the evidence types that can prove that the User fulfils the requirements of the procedure.

Semantic Repository specifications
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: required
  • License: EUPL

The Semantic Repository provides commonly agreed semantic specifications for the exchange of evidences. The service provides the following functionalities: ability to externally reference data models from other components; ability to define and extract subsets of models; provision of documentation.

Preview Space

Coming soon...

Intermediary Platform Solutions

  • What: National Data Exchange Platform
  • Provider: Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS)
  • Implementation status: voluntary
  • Software: open source
  • Main language: REST, SOAP, Docker, Linux, PKI, Java
  • License: MIT

X-Road by NIIS is an open source software and ecosystem solution that provides unified and secure data exchange between organisations. X-Road can be used as a national or regional data exchange solution.

For more details about X-Road

More will be added in future iterations...


Interoperability Test Bed
  • What: Specification
  • Provider: European Commission, SEMIC
  • Implementation status: strongly encouraged

The Interoperability Test Bed supports public administrations in validating the structure of their semantic assets according to European standards, including DCAT-AP and CPSV-AP, provided and maintained by SEMIC.

For more details about Interoperability Test Bed

OOTS Proof-of-Concept Project
  • What: Proof of Concept
  • Provider: Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Implementation status: voluntary

The OOTS PoC-project is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers/Cross Border Digital Services (CBDS) Programme. The work and research focuses on eDelivery AP, identity matching, common components, interface for request, test versions of basic registers, preview.

OOTS Testing services
  • What: Proof of Concept
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: strongly encouraged

Testing services allow Member State developers to see how the interfaces look like and what the expected behaviour is of the different components. Developers can start with the sample projects in the testing tools while their components are under development and gradually replace the testing tools with their own components.

For more details about OOTS Testing services

The Simulator
  • What: Proof of Concept
  • Provider: European Commission
  • Implementation status: voluntary

The Simulator covers i.a. OOTS-specific user interface functionality of an Online Procedure Portal and its Preview Area; Common Services; eDelivery configuration information for one eDelivery AS4 product; and Cloud-based testing/demonstration instances of the above.

To view the Simulator

All the components used in the Simulator are available as open source software. You can have a look at the code, or download and run it yourself. If you're interested, have a look at the repositories.

Please note that this version of the Simulator is aligned with June 2023 specifications regarding evidence exchange.

Communications and Support

Once-Only Hub
  • What: Communications
  • Provider: European Commission

The Once-Only Hub is a dedicated environment providing reliable access to important information, services and support. Anyone can browse the hub to learn more about the system, programme and its benefits.

For more details about Once-Only Hub

Once-Only Technical System Newsletter
  • What: Communications
  • Provider: European Commission

The OOTS Newsletter provides regular updates on the implementation, features, past events, and other relevant news, both from the European Commission and Member States side. It also highlights upcoming events.

Sign up to the Newsletter

OOTS Service Desk/OOTS Support Services
  • What: Communications
  • Provider: European Commission

The Service Desk acts as the single point of contact to address questions, incidents, and requests reported by the implementers. Additionally, it provides availability and capacity monitoring of the European Commission-managed OOTS Common Services to allow a proactive way of detecting and resolving incidents.

For more details about OOTS Service Desk/OOTS Support Services

SDG OOTS Collaborative Space
  • What: Communications
  • Provider: European Commission

The OOTS Collaborative Space provides Member States with relevant documentation and information regarding sub-groups, meetings, and updates related to the Once-Only Technical System, as well as with a feedback space for identifying and discussing key issues.

Please note that the Collaborative Space is only accessible for experts working on SDG and SDG OOTS.

For more details about SDG OOTS Collaborative Space


Core Vocabularies
  • What: e-Government Vocabularies
  • Provider: European Commission, SEMIC
  • Implementation status: strongly encouraged
  • Software: open source
  • Main language: HTML and RDF

The e-Government Core Vocabularies are simplified, reusable and extensible data models that capture the fundamental characteristics of a data entity in a context-neutral fashion. The Core Vocabularies are maintained and updated by SEMIC.

For more details about Core Vocabularies


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