
European Commission Digital

CEF Knowledge Café at ICT Vienna 


How does the European Commission help European public services digitalise? 

Join the discussion at our Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) knowledge cafe at the ICT on 6 December 2018 in Vienna. 

The CEF team will host an open discussion, starting with presenting the CEF technologies and services, called Building Blocks, to attendees interested in the digital transformation of public sector services. 

You have the opportunity to explore general and technical topics about the following CEF Building Blocks: 

  • eID
  • eInvoicing
  • eDelivery
  • eSignature
  • eTranslation
  • eArchiving
  • Context Broker
  • Big Data Test Infrastructure. 

You will learn how these Building Blocks facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders and sectors and how our services can benefit you throughout your project development phase. 

European Commission Official Joao Rodrigues Frade will kick-off the session with an overall introduction to CEF.  CEF's eDelivery specialist Ines Costa and BDTI specialist Elena Goncerau will be present too, as well as FIWARE Foundation COO, Stefano De Panfilis tell you all about CEF Context Broker.

Joao Rodrigues-Frade, is an experienced Enterprise Architect in the European Commisson, specialised in large complex projects. He is currently heading the CEF Building Blocks in the European Commission (DG DIGIT). He will present the CEF Building Blocks and have time to discuss the digital services the Commission offers public services. 

The CEF Digital 2018 team is looking forward to see you in Vienna! 

CEF Knowledge Cafe at ICT Vienna 

6 December 2018 

Room 1.61-1.62 | 09:00 - 09:45 

Meet us at #ICT2018

Come by and discover CEF at the CEF Telecom booth at the European Commission Village (ACV Level 0) Stand number EC2