
European Commission Digital

CEF introduces three new Building Blocks 

@Kelly Liljemo speaking at the New Building Block launch event

On 7 December 2018, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) introduced three new Building Blocks: Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI), Context Broker and eArchiving, in Brussels. CEF welcomed more than 120 attendees that were eager to hear about the CEF Building Blocks from 19 different speakers. The speakers introduced the three new - and established Building Blocks: eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature, eTranslation. The three new Building Blocks help public services by: 

  • CEF BDTI, supporting public administrations in their quest to turn data into actionable insights
  • CEF Context Broker, centralising and provides context to data coming from a wide variety of sources 
  • CEF eArchiving enabling secure preservation, description and transmission of digital data


This event was a great success in understanding the high value of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks for Europe.  

We thank all engaged stakeholders, from around Europe, who joined us and were eager to learn about the new CEF Building Blocks and how these help to digitalise public services. Speakers and panelists shared best practices around the new technologies in public administration and discussed how the digital future will shape the way large organisations work.  Participants heard inspiring presentations on the three new CEF Building Blocks: BDTI, Context Broker and eArchiving.  

Experts from the EARK4ALL project, the developers of the eArchiving Building Block, and FIWARE, the developers of the Context Broker, showcased the practical application of the respective Building Blocks and their real life impact they have on transforming European public services. 

Janet Anderson, EARK4ALL project, explained how CEF eArchiving helps archives store their data securely, which is the backbone of any archive, or in her words:  " if you cannot trust your national archive, who can you trust to store your information safely?". And Ulrich Ahle, CEO of FIWARE, underlined the importance of private-public partnership to expand the use of CEF services and implementation of the solution. Ahle pointed out that CEF services such as the Context Broker increase the quality of life of European citizens and operations of organisations. Service providers  are and will continue to help to distribute the CEF message and realise the Digital Single Market, thus CEF must find firms that integrate these solutions, Ahle explained. 

This event clearly illustrated the benefits of the three new Building Blocks and simultaneously gave an update on the established Building Blocks. The three new Building Blocks will contribute to CEF's mission to enable secure cross-border interactions between citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Kelly Liljemo, CEF Project Officer, DG DIGIT, European Commission, closed the event with a final message to the new Building Blocks: 

“Today we welcomed three new CEF Building Blocks but the journey doesn’t end here. We have created a level playing field to make the Digital Single Market a reality. We have to continue shaping and creating Europe’s digital future.”

Kelly Liljemo

Alongside the event agenda and videos from the day can be found on the post-event page and presentations will be added in the coming days. 

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