
European Commission Digital

CEF Context Broker Workshop at the FIWARE Summit in Malaga

On the 28th of November 2018, Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) introduced and led a workshop on Context Broker as a new CEF Building Block at the FIWARE Summit in Malaga, Spain. 

Daniele Rizzi, Policy Officer for the Data Policy and Innovation Unit in DG CNECT, European Commission, introduced the workshop and Caroline Corneau, IT Project Officer DG DIGIT, European Commission, led the workshop on behalf of CEF. 

This workshop focused on potential governmental use cases of the CEF Context Broker Building Block, along with a discussion on the scope of the CEF Context Broker services.  This workshop provided a unique opportunity to discuss CEF Context Broker with key stakeholders including experts from various European public administrations and private service providers. 

" CEF Context Broker expands the CEF Building Blocks family and is a vital contribution to realise the Digital Single Market. Workshops such as this one enables CEF to connect with stakeholders to help them digitalise public services." 

Daniele Razzi

Policy Officer Data Policy and Innovation Unit

DG CNECT, European Commission

The Workshop

Daniele Rizzi and Caroline Corneau presented Context Broker as a CEF Building Block and the complementary position of Context Broker among the existing CEF offerings. In the Summer of 2018, Context Broker, developed by FIWARE, joined the CEF offerings as a new Building Block to help public services digitalise. 

Participants were excited to learn about the linking possibilities between CEF Building Blocks within the Data Value Chain such as the Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) another new CEF Building Block. 

Furthermore, the following topics were at the core of the workshop's agenda:

  1. Potential new use cases of the CEF Context Broker in Member States 
  2. CEF Context Broker services and Member States' service needs 

This workshop enabled participants to discuss CEF Context Broker's applications for Smart City projects such as: 

  • changing mobility to a green or multimodal mobility, including for example, smart parking
  • additional cultural aspects such as points of interest
  • health-related ideas such as AHA (active and healthy ageing)
  • safe cities, crowd management and alerts
  • environmental issues such as air quality, water quality and waste management
  • sustainable energy and smart lighting

CEF Context Broker offered services and benefits: 

CEF also presented the multiple services offered to help European public administrations integrate CEF Context Broker and establish, for example, Smart Cities. CEF services include:  

  • CEF testing and supporting services: sandbox environment, connectivity and conformance testing, a Service Desk and planned training sessions
  • CEF on-boarding services, the marketplace and developers community 

CEF services are available free of charge to European public administrations and service providers who are seeking CEF Context Broker related help. This was particularly well received by the attendees, who were most interested to learn about the connectivity testing and available training's. 

The workshop was a great success and CEF is looking forward to future workshops in collaboration with FIWARE to raise awareness of Context Broker and to connect with the Context Broker community. 

The FIWARE community is individuals and organisations seeking to realise smart solutions by offering open source platform components to public administrations and private services to  accelerate the development of smart solutions. 

CEF eArchiving: Specifications Review Workshop, 5 February 2019

The E-ARK4ALL project, coordinated by the Danish National Archives, is, alongside the European Commission’s DG DIGIT, developing the new eArchiving Building Block supported by the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Digital programme. The mission of CEF is to fund trans-European infrastructures, building a Digital Single Market in Europe. Promoting eArchiving as the driver for long-term information assurance, means that digital preservation, records management, and digital archives in general are now recognised as critical pillars for the Digital Single Market.

To follow up on our work in the eArchiving CEF Building Block, the members of the EARK4ALL project are organising the workshop on the enhanced and stabilised eArchiving specifications first developed by the E-ARK project.

The core of the eArchiving Building Block is the E-ARK specifications and especially the Common Specification for Information Packages (CSIP). The CSIP is the basic core specification which provides the necessary minimum for all types of users across Europe to securely package their data for transfer to an eArchive as well to other users. The specification can be extended to fit each user’s needs. In the eArchiving Building Block the E-ARK CSIP specification is further detailed in the specifications for Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP) and Dissemination Information Package (DIP). These extensions are implemented in the sample software for the eArchiving Building Block. There are also CSIP extensions that can be used by all types of users across Europe. For the content itself there are Content Information Type Specifications (CITS) which give users the specification for how to structure the content.  Currently there are specifications ready for: relational databases described with the Software Independent Archiving for Relational Databases (SIARD) standard; Geodata; and Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS). The number of CITS will be extended in the future. This means that the package is defined by the CSIP and the content placed in the package is defined by a CITS.

All the specifications are currently undergoing a revision and right now they are on an open to all review so they can fulfil the needs of users across Europe.

This workshop shall provide participants with the content and the knowledge of interest to all key stakeholders associated with digital born records. The workshop aims to bring useful information about data management for groups such as software providers who are offering their solutions to data producers and/or archives; for those who provide services related to digital data (storage, digitisation, formats conversion); public and private sector data producers; archivists; members of research and academic community whose research focus lays in data management etc.

The Workshop will take place at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia,Maistrova ulica 10, Ljubljana, on Tuesday 5th of February in Ljubljana, Slovenia, starting at 09:00.

Save the Date: CEF eArchiving Building Block Geopreservation Conference 6-7 May 2019

The European Commission Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eArchiving Building Block (including the E-ARK4ALL Consortium), the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, and the company Geoarh are pleased to invite you to the eArchiving Geopreservation Conference in Ljubljana on the 6th and 7th of May, 2019.

TheArchiving Geopreservation conference is going to be an exciting two-day event that will bring together producers of geospatial information, archives, data repositories and solution providers.

We are offering the attendees two slots (Session 2 on 6th of May and Session 6 on 7th of May) in a form of lightning talks: short 5-10 minutes speaks/presentations during which speakers can present their views, experiences, issues, solutions and best practices:

Session 2 topics: mainly focused on the experiences of data producers, data owners, archives, data users and their issues related to use and reuse of geospatial data, including data sets that require intervention (e.g. changing coordination system and/or formats, lack of some other information needed for proper interpretation/rendering geodata).

Sessions 6 topics: mainly focused on the experiences of solution and service providers and others with experiences on geodata preservation (e.g. working solutions for geodata preservation activities, geodata rendering tools, tools for transformation of formats/coordination systems). 

You can register for lightening talks via the registration form and the organising committee will contact you and provide further details.

In today’s digital world, an increasing amount of born digital information also includes a spatial component. The environment in which such information is created and managed, however, is not made for long- term preservation. More than decades of experience with digital spatial data management shows us that preservation of data and especially maintaining data usability over time has often been overlooked. The purpose of the conference is to point out the key factors that affect the handling of geospatial data, its preservation and its further usability. It aims to connect different geospatial community stakeholders (data creators, regulators, solution and service providers, archives, academia) from Europe and around the world, offering an opportunity for them to share their experience and  solutions,  face their common challenges and issues, and learn from each other.

The conference 

Date: 6-7 May 2019 

Venue:  Domus Medica Conference centre (Dunajska cesta 162, Ljubljana, Slovenia).

If you have any questions, please contact Anja Paulič at

Find the conference programme here: 


Together, we are #ConnectingEurope.

2018 has been another landmark year for cross-border digital public services in Europe, realised through the CEF Building Blocks.

In a first for the CEF Digital 2018 programme, we’ve welcomed three new Building Blocks to the CEF family: Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI)Context Broker and eArchiving. At a launch event in Brussels, experts from the Building Block teams presented their goals and rationale as well as their value to Europe’s digital ecosystem. Together, with 130 participants and 19 speakers we welcomed the three new Building Blocks.

For the more established CEF Building Blocks, eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature and eTranslation, the upwards trend continues with the number of projects reusing the CEF Building Blocks reaching 108 in the third quarter of 2018. We’ve also published a further 21 Connecting Europe Success Stories, telling the stories and sharing the experiences of project teams throughout Europe.

These Success Stories have highlighted that the CEF Building Blocks concretely support teams deliver digital services quickly, affordably and in an interoperable manner.

Together, we are harnessing the value of the digital transformation to the benefit of all European citizens, businesses and public administrations. We look forward to making 2019 even more significant and continue connecting Europe together in the new year.

Wishing all CEF stakeholders the very best during the holiday season.

The CEF Building Blocks team

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News from the 8 Building Blocks 

CEF eInvoicing: CEN & the European Commissionagree no-cost access to European standard

CEF welcomes Big Data Test Infrastructure

Air pollution mitigated and reduced with Context Broker

eArchiving highlights historic voting results

eDelivery AS4 supports law-enforcement to fight terrorism

eIDAS Toolkit for Businesses

CEF eSignature facilitates the first electronic signature on an EU regulation!

eTranslation breaks EU Council Presidency language barrier

CEF eInvoicing: New and Improved Conformance Testing Services


The European Commission has launched an improved Conformance Testing service, provided as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eInvoicing Building Block.

The Conformance Testing service allows solution & service providers and public entities to check the compliance of their eInvoicing solution against the core eInvoice of the European standard on eInvoicing. CEF eInvoicing Conformance Testing service therefore verifies that an implementation based on the eInvoicing specification is indeed conformant to the specifications.

The European standard on eInvoicing (in both the UBL 2.1 Invoice message and the UN/CEFACT Cross Industry Invoice (CII)) makes it possible for sellers to send invoices to many customers by using a single eInvoicing format and thus not having to adjust their sending and/or receiving to connect with individual trading parties. To achieve this the European standard on eInvoicing defines the core elements of an electronic invoice in a semantic data model.

The new version of the service contains the new “Sending eInvoice” feature available on the GITB testing platform. This means service users can verify that they are able to receive and process conformant eInvoices, as well as send them. The new test possibilities are made available by means of the ISA2 Interoperability Test Bed, a service that supports projects delivering cross-border public services with a generic and customisable conformance testing platform. 

The Conformance Testing service provides four eInvoices:

  • An eInvoicing containing all mandatory and optional specifications of the core of the European standard on eInvoicing
  • An Invoicing containing the minimum specifications of the core of the European standard on eInvoicing.
  • An Invoicing containing the minimum specifications of the core of the European standard on eInvoicing including a VAT exemption.
  • An eInvoice containing an error message which should therefore be received but not processed.

When the Conformance Testing service sends an eInvoice to a service user, it is transmitted with the AS4 eDelivery specification. Users may submit an eInvoice via AS4, AS2 or via a web form upload.

If the tests are conducted for grant purposes (with CEF funding received from the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency), it is necessary to use only the eDelivery methods (AS2 or AS4) for the test results, as eDelivery testing sessions are saved in the testing portal and can be downloaded at a later stage. If the testing is carried out with AS4 validation, both scenarios (sender and receiver) have to be executed.

The CEF eDelivery Building Block proposes the use of the AS4 messaging protocol to create a secure channel for the transmission of documents and data by electronic means, over the internet or via a private network.

Increased Reuse of the CEF Building Blocks Reported in Q3 2018


What is the progress and implementation of the CEF Building Blocks and Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI)?

The latest data of the CEF Building Blocks confirms the acceleration of their uptake in Europe. This trend extends to the Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) for almost every CEF service in the dataset.

eInvoicing Dashboard

The highlights of the 3rd quarter of 2018 include a refreshed uptake dashboard for eInvoicing, which provides additional insights on B2G eInvoicing and the transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU.

 eTranslation reuse

The reuse of eTranslation is peaking with an astonishing 9.8 million translation requests handled between July and September 2018. Similar growth is also visible when looking at the number of systems connected to eTranslation, which increased by more than 25% going up from 40 to 52 connected systems over the same period.

Do you want to try out eTranslation?

You can register today and submit your own translation request via the web interface.

eDelivery Access Points

The number of eDelivery Access Points in use has reached unforeseen heights. In the below graph, orange visualizes the evolution of the number of eDelivery Access Points, and in blue the prediction* made for the coming quarters based on the historical data. During the last quarter, the number of eDelivery Access points sharply exceeded the CEF forecast, and all bets are off for the coming months.The European Commission updates the CEF Dashboard on a quarterly basis with new data and features to improve the visibility on the progress made by the DSIs and to enhance transparency.

CEF eInvoicing: CEN & the European Commission agree no-cost access to European standard

The European Commission and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) have signed an agreement allowing cost-free access to the semantic data model and the two mandatory syntaxes of the European standard on eInvoicing. The agreement ensures free access, includes derivative use, and is valid for the duration of the current version of the semantic data model and compliant syntaxes.

If you are a public administration in the EU, or you would like to do business with one, you will need to comply with the European standard for sending, receiving and processing eInvoices.  CEN will provide access to national implementations of the semantic data model and two mandatory syntaxes (including private operators and European institutions, bodies and agencies).

How to access

The agreement between the EC and CEN states that, in the context of intellectual property right (IPR) of the standard, the semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice (EN 16931-1: 2017) and the two mandatory syntaxes (CEN/TS 16931-2: 2017) will be available free of charge via national standardisation bodies.

You (public authorities, private operators and European institutions, bodies and agencies) are invited to contact your national standardisation body directly to access the printed or the downloadable PDF version of the aforementioned documents.

Derivative use

The agreement allows cost-free use of the semantic data model and the two syntaxes for the development and distribution of derivative applications with no additional licensing requirement, on the condition that:  

  • such derivative applications will include a statement, well visible to the users, which clarifies that this is an implementation of the semantic data model and two mandatory syntaxes. Additionally, that such reproduction is granted with the permission of CEN and the relevant member national standardisation bodies as copyright owners;
  • a statement to be included in the derivative applications (i.e. software and other applications that incorporate ideas, concepts or text from the standard) clarifying that CEN and the relevant national standardisation bodies bear no liability from the content and implementation of such derivative applications and that, in case of doubt, users shall always refer to the official authoritative content of the semantic data model and two mandatory syntaxes as provided by each CEN member national standardisation bodies at national level.


Free access to the standard will last for the duration of the current version of the semantic data model and mandatory syntaxes, including their corrections and amendments. National standardisation bodies will provide free access no later than January 2019.

This agreement is a key milestone in light of the deadline for the implementation of the European standard at national level by 18 April 2019. This deadline is extendable by one year for sub-central contracting authorities and contracting entities. only if such an extension is foreseen in the national legislation transposing the Directive.

Representatives from CEN and DG GROW, left to right:

Spiro Daphi; Isabel Da Rosa; Sarah Penny; Marzena Rogalska (signatory, DG GROW); Irmfried Schwimann (Deputy Director General, DG GROW); Nikita Stampa (Head of Unit, DG GROW); Elena Santiago Cid (signatory, CEN); Constant Kohler; David Blanchard (Deputy Head of Unit, DG GROW); Irena Rivière-Osipov (European Commission, Responsible for the eInvoicing policy in the EU).

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eInvoicing Building Block supports public administrations in complying with the aforementioned eInvoicing Directive, and helps solution providers adapt their services accordingly.

BDTI and Context Broker presented to the PSI Expert Group 


On Thursday 13 December, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) team presented two new Connecting Europe Facility Building Blocks, Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) and the Context Broker, to the sub-group on the pan-European data portal of the European Commission's Public Sector Information Group (PSI Group).  The PSI Group advises the Public Open Data platform, which is a Digital Service Infrastructure. CEF presented the two new Building Blocks to inform the PSI Group of the positive impact the solutions can or already have on the European public sector. The intention is that the two Building Blocks will contribute big data analysis and real-time data processing functionalities to the Public Open Data platform.  

In 2002, the European Commission set up the PSI Group to exchange good practices and any initiatives supporting public sector information re-use. The Group discusses and recommends solutions to challenges such as charging, exclusive agreements, development indicators for measuring public sector information and technology. Today, the Group consists of representatives of the 28 Member States. Private sector organisations and PSI experts are regularly invited to the meeting on an ad-hoc basic. 

The presentation introduced two new Building Blocks solutions and services that are available for re-use by the public and private sector: 

  • BDTI helps public entities manage large data volumes and capture valuable insights from their data and analytics. 
  • The Context Broker enables public and private entities to share their data in real time at the right time. Organisations can use Context Broker to exchange data sets, share insights and ultimately create an ecosystem of compatible data solutions. This will facilitate many more data based innovations.

This presentation enabled the CEF team to share how CEF Building Blocks are secure, reliable and easy to reuse and how they can help build the next generation of European digital public services. 

Are you interested to find out more about CEF? 

CEF introduces three new Building Blocks 

@Kelly Liljemo speaking at the New Building Block launch event

On 7 December 2018, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) introduced three new Building Blocks: Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI), Context Broker and eArchiving, in Brussels. CEF welcomed more than 120 attendees that were eager to hear about the CEF Building Blocks from 19 different speakers. The speakers introduced the three new - and established Building Blocks: eDelivery, eID, eInvoicing, eSignature, eTranslation. The three new Building Blocks help public services by: 

  • CEF BDTI, supporting public administrations in their quest to turn data into actionable insights
  • CEF Context Broker, centralising and provides context to data coming from a wide variety of sources 
  • CEF eArchiving enabling secure preservation, description and transmission of digital data


This event was a great success in understanding the high value of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks for Europe.  

We thank all engaged stakeholders, from around Europe, who joined us and were eager to learn about the new CEF Building Blocks and how these help to digitalise public services. Speakers and panelists shared best practices around the new technologies in public administration and discussed how the digital future will shape the way large organisations work.  Participants heard inspiring presentations on the three new CEF Building Blocks: BDTI, Context Broker and eArchiving.  

Experts from the EARK4ALL project, the developers of the eArchiving Building Block, and FIWARE, the developers of the Context Broker, showcased the practical application of the respective Building Blocks and their real life impact they have on transforming European public services. 

Janet Anderson, EARK4ALL project, explained how CEF eArchiving helps archives store their data securely, which is the backbone of any archive, or in her words:  " if you cannot trust your national archive, who can you trust to store your information safely?". And Ulrich Ahle, CEO of FIWARE, underlined the importance of private-public partnership to expand the use of CEF services and implementation of the solution. Ahle pointed out that CEF services such as the Context Broker increase the quality of life of European citizens and operations of organisations. Service providers  are and will continue to help to distribute the CEF message and realise the Digital Single Market, thus CEF must find firms that integrate these solutions, Ahle explained. 

This event clearly illustrated the benefits of the three new Building Blocks and simultaneously gave an update on the established Building Blocks. The three new Building Blocks will contribute to CEF's mission to enable secure cross-border interactions between citizens, businesses and public administrations.

Kelly Liljemo, CEF Project Officer, DG DIGIT, European Commission, closed the event with a final message to the new Building Blocks: 

“Today we welcomed three new CEF Building Blocks but the journey doesn’t end here. We have created a level playing field to make the Digital Single Market a reality. We have to continue shaping and creating Europe’s digital future.”

Kelly Liljemo

Alongside the event agenda and videos from the day can be found on the post-event page and presentations will be added in the coming days. 

Are you interested to find out more about CEF? 

CEF eDelivery technical workshop in Hungary 

On 5 December 2018, the European Commission presented CEF eDelivery to GS1 Hungary, the Hungarian National Council for Telecommunications and Information Technology, and private sector IT stakeholders.

@CEF eDelivery technical workshop at GS1 Hungary in Budapest, Hungary 

Adrien Ferial, the CEF eDelivery Technical Office Leader, introduced and explained how the Building Block can help to digitalise public services to improve the lives of citizens and businesses.  The CEF team demonstrated a Dombius demo, the eDelivery Access Point sample software maintained by the European Commission. And the team shared best practices and success stories, primarily eProcurement and eHealth cases, to demonstrate how CEF eDelivery is used in Europe to date. 

This workshop successfully enabled participants to understand how eDelivery can be used in their eGovernment projects. 

"This workshop has helped us to understand the strategic position of the CEF eDelivery Building Block among the different eGovernment service scenarios.

The in-depth introduction of the available CEF eDelivery services was very insightful, as well as learning about the possible  eDelivery configuration and interfacing possibilities in a wider business environment. "

Laszlo Ketszeri,

Representative of the Hungarian National Council for Telecommunications and Information Technology

Are you also interested to host a technical CEF eDelivery workshop? 

Contact us to find out how to host a workshop via

Learn more about CEF eDelivery 

New releases- CEF eDelivery SMP version 4.1 and Dombius 4.0.1 


The European Commission is delighted to announce the release of CEF eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) version 4.1 and Domibus 4.0.1.

SMP 4.1 

The SMP version 4.1 release is conformant with the eDelivery SMP profile based on the OASIS Service Metadata Publishing (BDX SMP) specifications. The new version features are:

  • Database optimization for UI 
  • Automatic database script generation
  • Database audit
  • Business event logging enhancement
  • Implementation of an SMP administration console

Dombius 4.0.1

The Domibus 4.0.1 is a bug fix release including a number of bug fixes and improvements concerning:

  • Add possibility to exclude a protocol from the CRL list

  • WebLogic cluster: fixed the PMode and truststore refresh with the WebLogic cluster

  • Fixed submitting of messages via the Default JMS Plugin in Multitenancy mode

  • Improved logging for Multitenancy

  • Add email alert support for super user login failure and account disabled

  • Fix the retry issue for restored messages

  • Increase the transaction timeout of ListPendingMessages operation in the Default WS Plugin to 5 minutes

  • Add configurable property for AS4 transport profile in the dynamic discovery process

  • Fixed the PEPPOL dynamic discovery

  • Allow empty "ConversationID" in the message sent by C1

  • Support of LDAP CRLs

  • Fixed the Unique Particle Attribution violations in the Default WS Plugin

Domibus 4.0.1 is backwards compatible with 4.0 and 3.3.x and the upgrade is not mandatory.

CEF eDelivery 

CEF eDelivery is a network of nodes for digital communications. It is based on a distributed model where every participant becomes a node using standard transport protocols and security policies. The CEF eDelivery building block is based on the AS4 messaging protocol, open and free for all, developed by the OASIS standards development organisation. To ease its adoption in Europe, eDelivery uses the AS4 implementation guidelines defined by the Member States in the e-SENS Large Scale Pilot. Organisations must install an Access Point, or use a Service Provider, to exchange information with the AS4 messaging protocol. 

Public Consultation on the eDelivery AS4 profile version 1.15

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery team is opening a Public Consultation on a new eDelivery Draft Specification of eDelivery AS4. Compared to the current version, this new draft specification updates one existing Profile Enhancement and proposes a new Profile Enhancement. This consultation is open until 28 December 2018.

Update to Dynamic Receiver Profile Enhancement

In the Dynamic Receiver Profile Enhancement, a Receiving MSH is not required to be pre-configured for all possible signing certificates. Instead, the signing certificate, which the Receiving MSH may not have been aware of previously, is carried in the message along with the signature. The Receiving MSH is expected to perform various checks, one which is to ensure that the signing certificate is issued by a trusted anchor certificate. The addition in the new version is that, for interoperability, efficiency, and to ease validation of the signature by the Receiving MSH, the specification now recommends that the full certificate path is included with the signature, rather than just the leaf certificate.

The background to this update is a request from a very large upcoming deployment of eDelivery AS4 that uses the Dynamic Receiver Profile Enhancement. In that deployment, there is a need to support a wide range of trust anchors, rather than a single special-purpose Certification Authority root certificate. In this environment, certificate validation is more complex than in the deployments we have seen previously. The new recommendation supports this.

New Profile Enhancement for Large Message Splitting and Joining

Available implementations of the eDelivery AS4 Common Profile have demonstrated an ability to exchange AS4 messages up to 2 GB in size. This covers the requirements of the vast majority of eDelivery AS4 users. However, some users of eDelivery have expressed a need to exchange very large messages (potentially up to hundreds of gigabytes). This is problematic for many implementations and deployments.

In the former EU e-SENS project, an initial study was done which evaluated a number of approaches to handling large messages. The conclusion of that study was that the ebMS3 Part 2 Large Message Splitting and Joining feature was the approach that best meets user requirements. Building on that work, the CEF eDelivery team has developed a draft new optional eDelivery AS4 Profile Enhancement based on this feature. This Profile Enhancement profile profiles the OASIS specification feature and adapts it to work with eDelivery AS4.

While initial investigation internally by developers in the CEF eDelivery team has not identified any major implementation issues, there are many other implementations of eDelivery AS4.

The European Community is very interested in feedback and comments from the wider user, implementer and vendor community on this new proposed Profile Enhancement.

Please post your comments via the below link or send them to with [eDelivery AS4 profile version 1.15 in the title of the email.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dynamic Receiver Update

Who is impacted by the proposed change to Dynamic Receiver?

Since the change is only a recommendation, no current users of eDelivery AS4 and of the eDelivery Dynamic Receiver Profile Enhancement are affected.

What is the impact of the proposed change to Dynamic Receiver?

To implement the change, AS4 products must be (re)configured to allow the full certificate path to be included on outbound messages, instead of (just) the leaf certificate. On inbound messages, the change greatly simplifies validation of certificates, which is one step in the validation of the signature.

How do I get my WS-Security toolkit to issue PKI Paths?

Implementers that use a toolkit that supports WS-Security Policy can configure that PKI certificate paths are used instead of leaf certificates by setting sp:X509Token/wsp:Policy/sp:WssX509PkiPathV1Token11.

Frequently Asked Questions on Splitting and Joining

Who is impacted by the proposed new Splitting and Joining Enhancement?

Since the proposed Profile Enhancement does not replace any existing part of eDelivery AS4 and is an optional feature, no existing users are affected.

Is Splitting and Joining secure?

Yes, signing and encryption processing is applied to all fragments and reordering or replacing fragments is not possible without detection.

Can I use Splitting and Joining in combination with other Profile Enhancements?

Yes, it can be used with all the existing Profile Enhancements.

How do I know if my counterparty supports Splitting and Joining?

In a statically configured environment, this information needs to be shared among parties.

In an environment that uses Dynamic Sender, a discovery infrastructure is used to publish business and technical capabilities, including the supported messaging protocol profile. A different identifier is proposed that indicates support for eDelivery AS4 with Splitting and Joining.

Europe(a)! It's the Final Countdown........ until the European standard deadline

On Tuesday 4 December 2018, the Connecting European Facility (CEF) eInvoicing team held an event in Brussels to mark the four months' countdown to the deadline to comply with the European standard on eInvoicing on 18 April 2019. 

Over 80 private and public organisation representatives participated in the event to exchange their eInvoicing implementation experiences, hear eInvoicing updates from the European Commission and, most of all, to connect with each other to realise eInvoicing. 

“ The Final Countdown has started! We are delighted with the result of the event today. The Member States have worked hard in the past months, some already years, to realise eInvoicing and we are confident that the next four months until the deadline will deliver promising eInvoicing implementation results.”

Irena Riviere-Osipov

Policy Officer

DG GROW, European Commission 

The event

The event kicked off with a panel discussion where guest speakers were “quizzed” about the highlights of their eInvoicing implementation experiences; questions varied from technical to policy related topics, to ‘which song best describes your eInvoicing implementation experience’, to which one speaker responded by composing a rap with hastags! 

The first panel was followed by critical updates from EU policy officers; one on the status of the imminent IPR agreement between the Commission and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), followed by updates on the CEF managed Code lists, such as the publication of the Electronic Address Scheme (EAS). Code lists are essential information elements that must be included in electronic invoices to enable cross-border exchange, information may include time, date and text.

Furthermore, speakers updated attendees on the CEF eInvoicing conformance testing service, which allows solution and service providers and public entities to compliance test their eInvoicing solution against the standard. The Commission further noted the release of a new implementation checklist to help public administration ensure that they have covered the main elements expected for the eInvoicing Directive's transposition. Andrea Caccia, Chair of CEN/TC 434 and Member of EMFSEI,  provided an update on the work of CEN in terms of the work of its various working groups and  highlighted the developments of CEN’s  CIUS methodologies, syntax bindings and the use of Open Source solutions.

eInvoicing implementation status 

Ahead of the deadline, Sweden, Germany, Italy and Norway presented their national eInvoicing implementation journey and how they are successfully mandating eInvoicing in their legislation. Norway's speaker, André Hoddevik, provided an update on PEPPOL. This session was followed by lively discussion and debate. Highlights for this session included how Italy mandated B2B eInvoicing as part of its implementation along with the presentation of Germany's complex eInvoicing legislative process; the transposition of the eInvoicing directive effectively requires 17 laws (1 federal and 16 at state level).

CEF eInvoicing services 

CEF eInvoicing continues to offer services to help Member States successfully implement eInvoicing, one such service is local eInvoicing trainings. The trainers, Christian Vindige and Martin Forsberg, introduced the available training packages. Trainings are free of charge information session on the eInvoicing Directive and the European standard and can be customised to the Member States needs and wants. In addition, they highlighted the existence of previously recorded webinar material on eInvoicing trainings available for re-use. 

An eInvoicing workshop 

A breakout session enabled participants to engage in an animated workshop to discuss how the derivative use of the European standard can support Member States in their work, share lessons learnt and implementation experiences. Attendees discussions varied from topics such as IPR, translation into UBL, the four corner model and the role of PEPPOL and promoting its use. The positive environmental impact of eInvoicing was praised while common obstacles such as mandating suppliers to use eInvoicing and the hurdles of exchanging pdf eInvoices were discussed too. Overall, the workshops provided an excellent platform for a European discussion between private and public representatives on the eInvoicing implementation. 

Share your eInvoicing Success

Michael Scanlon, CEF eInvoicing team, also encouraged participants to join and be active on the eInvoicing User Community and the many resources that the CEF SMO and community produces such as the Country factsheets on eInvoicing, the eInvoicing Implementation Checklist and the Success Stories. Participants were encouraged to share their eInvoicing Success Stories with CEF, to share how CEF faciliates eInvoicing implementation and how other Member States can succeed too. All stories can be shared with the team at 

When all is said and done 

The CEF eInvoicing team is ready for the final countdown; fourth months until the deadline and CEF services continue to be available for private and public entities implementing eInvoicing in Europe. 

@Giorgio Cacciaguerra, Caroline Corneau and Michael Scanlon, CEF eInvoicing

Discover how you can benefit from the CEF Building Blocks: 

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CEF Knowledge Café at ICT 2018 

@Ines Costa and Elena Goncearuc, CEF team, at ICT 2018 

On 6 December 2018, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks team held a Knowledge Café at ICT 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The Knowledge Café presented the three new CEF Buidling Blocks: Context Broker, Big Data Test Infrastructure and eArchiving. 

ICT is a research and innovation event, focusing on the European Union's priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. An excellent opportunity for CEF to present how the Building Blocks provide digital solution for European public services to transform to digital services in the digital age. 

João Rodrigues-Frade, Head of Sector CEF Building Blocks, DG DIGIT, presented the CEF Builiding Blocks and how they help realise the digital transformation of society and industry. 

"The CEF Building Blocks are common rules for basic interactions between public administrations, businesses and citizens which happen across borders or within a Member State. The Building Blocks include the authentication of Users (eID), the electronic signature of documents (eSignature), the secure exchange of documents (eDelivery) and their translation (eTranslation). By agreeing on common rules, it becomes possible to build services which work across borders and sectors, making the Digital Single Market a reality."

João Rodrigues-Frade

Head of Sector (Digital) Building Blocks, DG DIGIT

European Commission 

João Rodrigues-Frade presenting at ICT 2018 Vienna

@João Rodrigues-Frade at ICT Vienna 2018

Rodrigues-Frade was joined by CEF team members and Stephano de Panafillis COO of FIWARE, the Context Broker developers, to present and share how the CEF Context Broker can help public administrations make sense of connecting data and how CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure supports public administrations in their quest to turn data into actionable insights. 

Discover how you can benefit from the CEF Building Blocks. 

Visit CEF Digital 2018

Call for action: help us review the CEF eArchiving specifications 


We kindly invite you to review the following eArchiving specifications. Originally created by the E-ARK project and enhanced and stabilised by the E-ARK4ALL project, these specifications are a core component of the CEF eArchiving Building Block.

The specifications have been released for review in two groups. In the first group, the ‘Common Specification for information Packages’ and the ‘Common Specification for Electronic Records Management Systems’ were released for review. In the second group, the E-ARK SIP, E-ARK AIP, E-ARK DIP, the SIARD Format Specification and the Common Specification for Geodata were released for review.

The deadline to submit your input is 24 February 2019. 

The material to be reviewed can be found here:

Common Specification for information Packages (CSIP)

The core of the eArchiving specifications is the Common Specification for Information Packages. This delivers a basic core specification providing a necessary minimum for institutions across Europe to securely package their data, and then customise their data as required. For CSIP we would like you to review the full document and give comments on its principles and structural requirements in Part 1 as well as the implementation in Part 2.



XML: and

Content Information Type Specification for Electronic Records Management Systems

For ERMS we would like you to review the new XML-schema. The draft of the ERMS document is supplied as a supplementary document for understanding the XML-schema as well as the schema generated documentation.

XML-schema with its Schematron document:

XML-schema documentation (PDF):

Draft ERMS specification (PDF):

E-ARK Profile for Submission Information Packages (E-ARK SIP)

This customised profile for the E-ARK Submission Information Packages (SIP) is for sending material to a repository. It builds upon CSIP.



XML: and

E-ARK Profile for Archival Information Packages (E-ARK AIP)

This customised profile for the E-ARK Archival Information Packages (AIP) is for storing material in a repository. This builds upon CSIP.

All information in GitHub:


E-ARK Profile for Dissemination Information Packages (E-ARK DIP)

This customised profile for the E-ARK Dissemination Information Packages (DIP) is for accessing material from a repository. This builds upon CSIP.



Software Independent Archival of Relational Databases (SIARD 2.1)

SIARD (Software Independent Archival of Relational Databases) is a normative description of a file format for the long-term preservation of relational databases. The format was developed by the Swiss Federal Archives and revised in conjunction with E-ARK.

SIARD format 2.1 (English):

SIARD format 2.1 (German):

SIARD format XML-schema:

E-ARK Content Information Type Specification for geodata (E-ARK Geodata)

This is the geodata specification.