
European Commission Digital

CEF Dashboard Shows Increased Reuse of the CEF Building Blocks, Creating a Digital Single Market!

Reuse of the CEF building blocks, individually and together, is picking-up at an ever greater pace, the latest CEF Dashboard figures show!

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the EU's main funding instrument for trans-European networks. It supports basic and re-usable digital solutions, known as CEF building blocks, which enable the digitalisation of key sectors for European citizens, businesses and public administrations from Justice, to Health and Procurement, among several others.

By going online, these solutions - CEF eID, eTranslation, eInvoicing, eSingature & eDelivery - also become available across-borders through a simple web-browser on a computer, mobile phone or other device. The availability of such solutions helps citizens to study, work and travel abroad; and businesses to transact and trade in the European Single Market fuelling economic growth.

In addition, the landmark eIDAS Regulation ((EU) Nr. 910/2014) creates a harmonised legal background for the CEF building blocks throughout Europe.

Reuse of the CEF building blocks, individually and together, is picking-up pace.

The CEF Dashboard is a handy place where facts, figures with more detailed information on pan-European projects reusing the CEF building blocks, such as the EU's Online Dispute Resolution Portal, eJustice Portal or the Pan-European OpenData Portal.

The CEF Dashboard looks specifically at sectorial projects funded by the Connecting Europe Facility and other projects not funded under the CEF Programme, each helping to connect Europe and create a Digital Single Market.

The European Commission is happy to note that the following organisations and projects are all being included in the CEF Dashboards Q4 2016 update:

European Central Bank;

The Once Only Principle project (TOOP);

The EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive of the European Parliament and Council;


DECIDE project (involving the Council, European Parliament, Publications Office and National Parliaments;

NOBLE project;

TACHOnet project;

Creating a digitally connected Europe and the establishment of a connected Digital Single Market are helping to support EU citizens, businesses and administrations reap the benefits of the digital age. To find out more, visit CEF Digital 2018 now.

To learn more about the CEF building blocks, watch our short video now or subscribe to our Newsletter (smile)