
European Commission Digital

Commission launches Consultation on the "Pull" Profile Enhancement of the eDelivery AS4 profile

The consultation was launched on 05 Jun 2018 

The eDelivery AS4 Common Profile mandates support for the “Push” ebMS3 MEP Transport Channel Binding, as it is sufficient for and covers the requirements of the vast majority of its users. This eDelivery AS4 "Pull" Feature Profile Enhancement specifies an optional alternative use of the “Pull” Transport Channel Binding. Selection of "Push" or "Pull" is configured in the P-Mode for the message exchange.

The European Commission intends to include this optional "Pull" Profile Enhancement in the eDelivery AS4 profile. Before doing so, the Commission would like to hear any comments prior to finalising the publication.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery is a network of nodes for digital communications. It is based on a distributed model where every participant becomes a node using standard transport protocols and security policies. It helps public administrations to exchange electronic data and documents with other public administrations, businesses and citizens, in an interoperable, secure, reliable and trusted way.

Support for the AS4 "Pull" Feature has been requested by public administrations in the Member States in, among others, the taxation, customs and energy policy domains.  The rationale for "Pull" for these users relates to networking, security and operational constraints in their organisations that make the use of "Push" messaging difficult or even impossible.