
European Commission Digital

Digital Services: Supporting citizens, businesses and administrations in Europe

The Digital Single Market aims to overcome the challenges of digitalisation by creating the right environment for digital networks and services to flourish. The European Commission works to achieve a Digital Single Market in Europe through a combination of leading-edge legislation, guidelines and programmes ensuring the freedoms and protections of the EU’s Single Market are harnessed for the digital age.

During the Digital Assembly 2018, the European Commission is presenting eGovernment and Trust, Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA² Programme) and trans-European Digital Service Infrastructures (the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks).

eGovernment and trust advances the quality and innovation of public administrations and accelerates the large-scale public sector and private sector use of trusted identification and trust services. This ensures that citizens and businesses can use their own national electronic identification schemes (eIDs) to access public services in other EU countries where eIDs are available, as provided for by Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (commonly known as the eIDAS Regulation). With the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, public administrations at local, regional and national level and public institutions are supported to be open, efficient and inclusive.

The ISA² programme is currently boosting interoperability in Europe, working in the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) in the European Union and monitoring the process at Member State level through the National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO).  ISA² also supports the development of digital solutions (so far 24 interoperable and open source solutions) that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the EUs main financing instrument for trans-European infrastructure. CEF funds a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), also known as Building Blocks. The basis for the CEF Building Blocks are interoperability agreements between European Union member states. Common standards supported by services and grant funding, connecting Europe.

The Digital Assembly is a major annual forum that gathers more than 1,000 stakeholders and high-level policymakers to debate the EU digital policy and the implications of recent technological developments. The European Commission warmly invites all interested stakeholders attending to visit the stand 'Digital Services: Supporting citizens, businesses and administrations in Europe' and see how they can benefit from a connected Digital Single Market.