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eInvoicing policy EMSFeI guidance on implementation for EU public administrations published

European Commission, 2018

In June 2018, the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on eInvoicing (EMSFeI) adopted a guidance paper supporting public administrations with the adoption of electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) in public procurement. The European Commission encourages relevant stakeholders to make the best use of - and share - this document.

The guidance paper is essential reading for decision-makers who have responsibility for eInvoicing in all public sector organisations throughout Europe. Specifically, it supports public administrations in both the transposition of  Directive 2014/55/EU (on eInvoicing in public procurement) into national law and the implementation of a European standard on eInvoicing.What answers and other useful information can you can find in this document? This comprehensive document contains the essential information to accompany the concrete implementation of your eInvocing policy.

The guidance paper provides a checklist for the transposition and general implementation of the Directive 2014/55/EU, which sets out a legal deadline of 18 April 2019.

  • Drivers for implementing eInvoicing: What to keep in mind when devising a national strategy
  • National policy-making process and coherence with EU law:  How to ensure a smooth transition into national law
  • eInvoicing infrastructure and technical implementation: Setting eInvoicing infrastructure on the ground
  • On-boarding and communication: What should you consider to support the on-boarding of suppliers
  • Success factors and pitfalls: Tips & tricks plus what to avoid
  • Sustaining eInvoicing beyond the transposition: Make it last and reap the benefits long-term

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The guidance paper also highlights the tools, services, support and information (such as country factsheets) provided as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eInvoicing Building Block. A key support mechanism for the Member States in implementing Directive 2014/55/EU. CEF is the EU’s main financing instrument for trans-European infrastructure. In 2018, €5 million in grant funding is available via CEF to support compliant eInvoicing. The deadline for applications is 18 September 2018.

Did you know? European legislation (Directive 2014/55/EU) calls for a European standard on eInvoicing in public procurement to prevent the proliferation of different formats of eInvoices in the Single Market.

The EMSFeI brings together public and private sector representatives from EU Member States, as well as other experts, on a regular basis to discuss and make recommendations to the community of eInvocing stakeholders and to the European Commission on how to promote and implement eInvoicing.

The guidance paper was issued during the event 'How eInvoicing is Connecting Europe: Building a Digital Single Market'. The event focused on the practical implementation of B2G eInvoicing in Europe in the context of Directive 2014/55/EU. You can download the presentations, see the recording and better understand the future of eInvoicing in Europe here.