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European Commission Digital

eDelivery Services

SMP v4.1 RC

This page collects the resources for Service Metadata Publisher version 4.1 RC, released in October 2018.

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We are happy to announce the release candidate of eDelivery Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) version 4.1 RC1.

This release is conformant with the eDelivery SMP profile based on the OASIS Service Metadata Publishing (BDX SMP) specifications. It is a candidate version ready to be released as a final version, unless significant bugs are identified by clients during testing.

The main new features are: database optimization for UI, automatic database script generation, database audit, business event logging enhancement and implementation of an SMP administration console.

 The SMP administration console includes the following user types:

  • SMP administrator:  can create/delete Service Groups, manage users and domains for service groups and its extensions and metadata
  • System administrator: can manage SMP users and domains
  • Service group administrator: can administer the metadata for the Service Groups that he owns. 
  • Anonymous user: can search the service groups by participant identifier, participant identifier scheme and domain for which service group was registered

Migration from 4.0.x to 4.1.x

MySQL or Oracle migration script has to be manually executed in DB prior to re-deployment of the new WAR version. Scripts are located in

For Oracle migration first run oracle10g_4.0_to_4.1-createFunction.sql and then the actual migration script oracle10g_4.0_to_4.1.sql


Administration Guide (pdf)
This Administration Guide is intended for Administrators who are in charge of installing, managing and troubleshooting an eDelivery SMP (Service Metadata Publisher).
Service Architecture Document (SAD) (pdf)
This document is the Software Architecture document of the CEF eDelivery SMP. It intends to provide detailed information about the project: an overview of the solution, the different layers, the principles governing its software architecture
The purpose of this document is to exhaustively specify the interface of the Service Metadata Provider.
European Union Public Licence

Release note

Please find below the list of the improvements and limitations.

Improvements and New Features:

Fixed bugs:

Known issues (will be closed in 4.1 FR):

    • EDELIVERY-4067: User should be notified that leaving the Response signature Certificate empty may lead to errors.
    • EDELIVERY-3928: QA/QC - OWASP - SMP - Assess library upgrade for SMP 4.1.FR