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Progress on eDelivery 2.0 specifications and beyond

This is a run-up to the eventual adoption of the new eDelivery profile specifications.

The European Commission's eDelivery Building Block, a cornerstone for secure digital data exchange across the EU, continues to evolve. Significant strides have been made in developing the next generation of eDelivery specifications, collectively known as eDelivery 2.0. This article delves into the current status of these specifications , the upcoming Interoperability Event and planned enhancements to the conformance testing service.

The eDelivery 2.0 specifications are nearing finalisation. The Interoperability Event in June is the last step before eventual release of the new profile version. Product adoption is expected to begin in 2026.

Road to 2.0 profile adoption

Following the initial public consultation in 2023, the eDelivery team made substantial revisions to the first 2.0 draft specifications based on feedback and internal analysis. This included incorporating advancements in cryptography to leverage the best available security measures.Following a successful first public consultation in 2023, the eDelivery team meticulously reviewed the feedback received alongside internal reflections and analyses. This  This collaborative process led to refinements in the draft specifications for the eDelivery AS4 2.0 and eDelivery SMP 2.0 profiles. This included incorporating advancements in cryptography to leverage the best available security measures. Notably, the feedback and analysis also necessitated adjustments to the BDXL and ebCore Party Id profiles to ensure complete consistency across the entire eDelivery framework.

As a result, we have published the second drafts of all four eDelivery profiles: AS4 | SMP | BDXL | ebCore Party Id. The revised draft profiles were presented during the February meeting of the Interoperability Forum, a group dedicated to vendors who create build eDelivery-compliant products. This forum provided valuable input, paving the way for the next crucial step: the Interoperability Event.

As a result, we have published the second drafts of all four eDelivery profiles: AS4 | SMP | BDXL | ebCore Party Id.

For details, see the meeting minutes.

The new profiles' draft specifications were published for the public consultation (8 March - 8 April 2024). A This second public consultation held in March-April 2024 on profile 2.0 drafts yielded minimal feedback, signifying a level of comfort with the proposed changes. The team is now confident in moving forward with the revised specifications.A second public consultation on the revised eDelivery AS4 2.0 and eDelivery SMP 2.0 profiles concluded in April 2024. While minimal feedback was received, the proposals are . The eDelivery team interprets this as a general endorsement of the proposed changes, which were refined following an initial consultation and input from a standards editor. With the proposals considered robust and ready for the next stage.Planned for June 2024, this event will involve vendors implementing key cryptography changes from the specifications in proof-of-concept format. This will validate interoperability between different products., the eDelivery team is now confident in moving forward with the revised specifications.

The next crucial step is are the Interoperability Event Events planned for June 2024. This event will involve vendors testing their implementations of the core cryptographic changes within the new specifications in a proof-of-concept environment. The eDelivery team, responsible for Domibus, a sample eDelivery conformant product, will also participate.

Assuming a successful Interoperability Event, formal publication of the new specifications is expected in the second half of 2024. Product rollouts incorporating the new specifications are anticipated to begin in 2026, with some early adopters potentially offering compatible solutions by late 2025.

The adoption of eDelivery 2.0 by solution providers will likely translate into product rollouts starting in 2026. This timeframe accounts for the development and testing cycles of vendor products.

Scheduled for June 2024, the Interoperability Event represents a critical juncture in the eDelivery 2.0 journey. This event will bring together solution providers to implement 11 & 25 June 2024. These remote sessions will bring together solution providers with their proof-of-concept integrations implementations based on the latest draft specifications, including key cryptography changes. Participating vendors will have the opportunity to test their implementations against each other , ensuring seamless interoperability when using the enhanced eDelivery functionalitiesand thus validating interoperability between different solutions built on the new eDelivery AS4 specifications. The eDelivery team, responsible for Domibus, a sample AS4 product, will also participate.

Assuming a successful Interoperability Event with no unforeseen roadblocks, the official formal publication of the finalised eDelivery 2.0 new specifications is anticipated expected in the second half of 2024. While some early adopters might be ready by 2025, a more realistic timeframe for widespread product support for the new specifications is likely to be 2026 onwards. The European Commission's Domibus is tentatively slated for an update by the end of 2025, but this timeline remains fluid.

Market of conformant solutions

The Commission's conformance testing service, pivotal for validating eDelivery solutions, is also undergoing enhancements. The migration from the Minder platform to the ITB platform in 2023 ensured continued testing with the same set of tests. However, the platform now supports testing for optional profile enhancements like the Pull Feature, Dynamic Sender, and Dynamic Receiver, with a launch scheduled for July 2024.

Further improvements to strengthen Common Profile testing are planned for later this year. These upgrades aim to ensure robust, standardised testing for all eDelivery solutions.

In parallel with the eDelivery 2.0 specification development, the eDelivery team has been diligently working on improvements to the conformance testing service. This service plays a vital role in ensuring that solutions offered by vendors adhere to the established eDelivery specifications.


A key focus of the service enhancements is the implementation of support for previously missing profile enhancements. These enhancements, including the Pull Feature, Dynamic Sender, and Dynamic Receiver functionalities, will be incorporated into the testing service by July 2024. Additionally, a planned expansion of tests for the core eDelivery AS4 profile is expected later this year or early next year. These service improvements aim to provide vendors with a more comprehensive and robust testing environment, independent of the new eDelivery 2.0 specifications.

The eDelivery conformance testing service plays a vital role in ensuring that solutions align with the specifications.  Recent updates to this service include the addition of tests for optional profile enhancements such as Pull Feature, Dynamic Sender, and Dynamic Receiver.  These enhancements will be available for testing from July 2024.

Further, strengthened tests for the Common Profile are planned for release by the end of the year.  These updates will not only expand the scope of testing but also enhance the robustness of the conformance assessment, providing a higher degree of confidence in the compliance of eDelivery solutions.

The eDelivery team is committed to fostering transparency and collaboration with solution providers.  They actively seek feedback and encourage vendors to engage in the ongoing development and refinement of the eDelivery specifications.  By working together, stakeholders can ensure the successful implementation of eDelivery 2.0 and drive the continued evolution of secure and reliable digital communication across the European Union.

eDelivery digital ecosystems
