29 February 2024 / 10.30 - 12.30 (CET)

Event summary

The collaboration between eDelivery and software and service providers continues in 2024: In February we met to discuss the disposition of public review comments resulting from the recent public consultation, and present the updated versions of the eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 profiles (i.e., specialisations of the OASIS ebMS3/AS4 and SMP standards), as well as new eDelivery BDXL and ebCore Pary Id 2.0 specifications. 

Find the slides of the meeting underneath and minutes on the right hand side.

For details on how the specifications have changed as well as links to them, check out our blog article. Learn more about the adoption plan in this article. 

The public consultation on the updated eDelivery profiles will be available from 8 March. Find more information in this article (link will be functional from 8 March).

Registrations are closed for this specific meeting, but you can check the privacy statement and register for the future meetings by becoming a contact point:

If you have any additional comments or questions on the webinar, or generally concerning eDelivery or the Service Offering please reach out to us via our Service Desk.





Welcome: Introduction & Agenda  

Verena Sczech 

The eDelivery team member welcomed the attendees and outlined the vision and the mission of the eDelivery Interoperability Forum meeting. 

Response to the Public review Comments  

Bogdan Dumitriu 

The eDelivery project officer talked through in detail the responses to the public review comments received on the eDelivery AS4 and SMP 2.0 profiles during a public consultation in 2023. 

  • The relative merits of not only recommending the use of ‘Meta:SMP’ and ‘Meta:SMP2’ for SMP 1.0 and SMP 2.0 entries, respectively, but also allowing the option of using ‘Meta:SMP’ for both were discussed. The current approach in the eDelivery profile trades clarity for non-negligible operational benefits for some domains / transition approaches. 
  • In addition, it was discussed if the selection of the value ‘Meta:SMP2’ instead of ‘oasis-bdxr-smp-2’ is non conformant to section 5.5 of the OASIS SMP 2.0 standard. 
  • Action: The eDelivery team will write to the relevant OASIS technical committee to ask for clarification on this point. 
  • The business cases for profiling SMP redirection (in the eDelivery SMP profile) and EndpointParticipantIdentifier (in the eDelivery AS4 profile) were discussed. Both may be added should there be a concrete business need for it.  

The documents can be found here: 

Updates to the New Specifications  

Pim van der Eijk 

The specifications expert presented the changes to the specifications of the eDelivery AS4 2.0 and SMP 2.0 profiles and introduced the new eDelivery BDXL 2.0 and ebCore Party Id 2.0 profiles. 

The updated specifications can be found here: 

Adoption Plan and Upcoming Engagement  

Bogdan Dumitriu 

The eDelivery project officer presented the timeline for adoption, including the planned event to test interoperability with the new specifications, as well as giving a view on upcoming eDelivery Interoperability Forum meetings.  

Discussion & Feedback 


There was a question on the long-term strategy for Domibus. The eDelivery project officer explained that there is currently no visibility for after the current funding cycle which will end in April 2025. The medium-term strategy will depend on the upcoming DEP 2025-2027 Work Programme(s), pending discussions and adoption later in 2024, and the long-term one on support for eDelivery in the successor of the DEP programme for the period 2028-2034.  

The next meeting of the eDelivery Interoperability Forum is scheduled for 18 April 2024.

Other useful links:

About eDelivery:

The eDelivery building block helps public administrations and businesses (and indirectly citizens) to participate in eDelivery messaging infrastructures which facilitate organisation-to-organisation messaging by enabling their systems to interact with each other in a secure, reliable and trusted way. The Digital Europe Programme currently ensures the funding of the services offered by the eDelivery building block as part of its policy of promoting the adoption of common standards in different policy domains (such as eJustice, eProcurement, eCustoms, eProcurement, eHealth, etc.) under Specific Objective 5.

About the building blocks:

The Building Blocks are standards-based open and reusable digital solutions that enable basic capabilities, such as trusted authentication and secure data exchange. They offer basic capabilities that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.

Deployed alone or as a portfolio, the building blocks allow data to become the digital lifeblood of modern services, built on the principle of interoperability. The building blocks implement the provisions of the eIDAS regulation on authentication and trust services in the internal market, a global legal and technical reference in secure, trusted cross-border authentication.

The role of the building blocks can also be seen in the digitisation and innovation of market processes. Digital solutions that respect a common standard open up balanced competition within the internal market, along with the door to innovative new processes and a greening of old, paper-based business processes.

About the Digital Europe Programme:

The Digital Europe Programme introduced some organisational changes to the provision of cross-border interoperable digital services deployed under it. This includes focused efforts to support the digital transformation of public administrations throughout Europe.

The Digital Europe Portal is the home of the eIDAS enabler building blocks: eDelivery, eIDeInvoicing, eSignature and OOTS. It is the one-stop shop for information about the building blocks. The portal provides access to tools, services and software that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.