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Press Releases 2010


EIT Foundation: Young leaders present innovative solutions for Europe's future


Thirty young leaders from the worlds of business, academia and research shared their inspiring ideas with policy-makers and business executives at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Foundation's Annual Innovation Forum in Brussels today.


Education budgets under pressure in Member States


Investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States assessed as part of a European Commission study on the impact of the crisis on education budgets since 2010.


Marie Curie Actions: Commission invites bids for €227m in research grants


The European Commission is inviting bids for the final tranche of Marie Curie fellowship grants allotted under the current seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7, 2007-13). Some €227 million, the highest single amount made available through the Marie Curie Actions fund, will be awarded to around 1 000 experienced researchers this year. The application process runs until 14 August 2013.


eTwinning: best cross-border school projects of the year


The best school twinning projects of the year will be honoured at the 2013 eTwinning Awards in Lisbon today.


European Commission launches Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs


Commission President José Manuel Barroso today called on Europe's digital businesses, governments, training and education sectors to join a Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs to address up to 900 000 job vacancies expected to exist in Europe in Information and Communication technologies (ICT) by 2015.


Launch of 'eTwinning Plus' virtual classroom network for schools


The European Commission’s 'eTwinning' network, which has encouraged 100 000 schools in 33 European countries to talk to each other via the internet, will be extended from today to schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.



Winners of 2013 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards announced


The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were unveiled today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra.


Young Cypriot tenor Giorgos Ioannou invited to take part in the European Heritage Awards Ceremony in Athens


At the initiative of European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, young tenor and schoolboy Giorgos Ioannou had an audition with the world-famous Spanish tenor and composer Plácido Domingo last week in Vienna. Following the audition and after speaking on the telephone with Mr Domingo, Ms Vassiliou agreed to pass on a message from Mr Domingo to the new star.



Vassiliou pledges support for Jeremy Irons campaign against plastic waste


European Commissioner for Education and Culture Androulla Vassiliou met the Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons to discuss his recent film documentary, Trashed, which highlights the huge impact of global waste on the environment and human health.


Vassiliou pledges support for Jeremy Irons campaign against plastic waste


European Commissioner for Education and Culture Androulla Vassiliou met the Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons to discuss his recent film documentary, Trashed, which highlights the huge impact of global waste on the environment and human health.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top