This site has been archived on 03/11/2014

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Press Releases 2010


Austria and Belgium given more time to justify quotas


The European Commission has decided today to extend its suspension of legal action against Austria and Belgium over their quota restrictions on the number of non-nationals permitted to enrol on degree courses for doctors, dentists, physiotherapists and vets.


New ranking targets 500 universities


Five hundred universities from across Europe and the world are expected to take part in a new international university ranking initiated by the European Commission, it was announced today.


The EU averts funding crisis for Erasmus


Current and future Erasmus students can be reassured: Member States and the European Parliament have averted a funding crisis which threatened the popular exchange scheme after a last-ditch agreement which has enabled the EU to plug a shortfall in the 2012 budget and remove uncertainty about funding for 2013.


The EU averts funding crisis for Erasmus


Current and future Erasmus students can be reassured: Member States and the European Parliament have averted a funding crisis which threatened the popular exchange scheme after a last-ditch agreement which has enabled the EU to plug a shortfall in the 2012 budget and remove uncertainty about funding for 2013. Thanks to the agreement, the Commission will be able to provide around 280 000 Erasmus student grants in the 2013-2014 academic year.


Ministers' agreement on EIT 'signal in the right direction', says Vassiliou


Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, has welcomed a decision today by EU Ministers in support of the European Commission's proposals for the future of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).


School partnerships improve pupils' and teachers' skills More information


A new study on the impact of partnerships between schools in different countries has found that pupils - particularly at secondary level - significantly improved their skills, including cultural and social skills, IT and foreign languages.


Commission launches EU Skills Panorama to tackle skills mismatches


The European Commission today officially launched the EU Skills Panorama, a website presenting quantitative and qualitative information on short- and medium-term skills needs, skills supply and skills mismatches.



Commission agrees way forward for modernising copyright in the digital economy


At the initiative of President Barroso, the European Commission has today held an orientation debate on content in the digital economy.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top