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Eurobarometer: Vocational education and training – key findings


The Eurobarometer survey on “Attitudes towards vocational education and training” was conducted through face-to-face interviews among 27 00 EU citizens in all 27 member countries from 4 to 19 June 2011.


Eurobarometer survey: vocational education seen as useful, but image could be better


Brussels, 30 September 2011 – Vocational education and training, which nearly half of all Europeans choose to enrol in after their compulsory education, has a generally positive image among most age groups, linked to the high quality of training on offer and the strong job prospects that this brings.


EU response to the Arab Spring: Erasmus Mundus


A stronger commitment to education is a crucial element in the EU's new approach towards its southern and eastern neighbours. In view of recent developments in North Africa and the Middle East, particular attention needs to be given to supporting measures to help the region's young people, who play an important role in the current democratisation process.


European Commission boosts the number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships for South Mediterranean students


The Communication on “A new response to a changing Neighbourhood” - the culmination of a comprehensive review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, (ENP) launched in 2010, outlines a new approach towards EU’s neighbours to the East and South, based on mutual accountability and a shared commitment to respecting universal values, international human rights standards, democracy and the rule of law.


Marie Curie Actions - 15 years of boosting research careers in Europe


Warsaw, 25-27 September 2011 – The Marie Curie Actions programme, which helps to fund the best researchers in Europe, is celebrating its 15th anniversary. To mark this milestone, Androulla Vassiliou will join 300 researchers representing various scientific disciplines and nationalities at a conference in the Polish capital. The event also coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded to Marie Sklodowska-Curie, the Polish-French scientist famed for her pioneering work on radioactivity.


EU Researchers' Night: Discover how scientists solve a murder mystery - and climb like Spiderman


Brussels, 22 September 2011 – As every fan of Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot and Lisbeth Salander knows, it takes painstaking detective work to solve a murder mystery. During this year's sixth EU Researchers' Night, which takes place in more than 320 European cities on 23 September, would-be sleuths will have the chance to team up with forensic scientists in Krakow (Poland) to crack a murder 'whodunit' puzzle with the aid of DNA testing and psychological profiling. Other highlights this year include a presentation by scientists in Nicosia (Cyprus) who will show how Spiderman's ability to scale vertical walls can be achieved in real life by using 'nanomaterial' particle technology.


Employability at heart of new higher education reform strategy


Brussels, 20 September 2011 – A reform strategy announced by the Commission today aims to boost graduate numbers, improve teaching quality and make higher education more relevant – as part of Europe's plans for jobs, growth and economic recovery. The strategy identifies areas where member countries need to do more to achieve shared education objectives, and sets out how the EU can support their modernisation policies. EU-level initiatives will include an all-round university ranking system to help students find the courses best suited to them, and an 'Erasmus for Masters' loan guarantee scheme for students taking a full degree course abroad.


Education-trends report: effective funding crucial for schools and universities


Brussels, 13 September 2011 - The European Commission welcomes the launch of 'Education at a Glance 2011', a new report which gathers statistical data on investment in education, student-teacher ratios, teaching hours, graduate numbers and results. 21 EU countries are covered by the report, which is compiled annually by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), drawing on data collected by Eurostat and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).


Education at a Glance: report on European & global education trends


The 2011 "Education at a Glance" report, which gathers comparable statistics on access to education, investment, student-teacher ratios, teaching hours and graduation rates, will be launched in Brussels on 13 September at a joint Commission-OECD event.


Registration opens for 2011 school translator contest


Brussels, 1 September 2011 - Secondary schools can enrol pupils for the annual EU Young Translator Contest known as ‘Juvenes Translatores’ (Latin for 'young translators’) from today at The registration runs until 20 October and the online application form is available in all official EU languages. The contest, now in its fifth year, will be held on 24 November at the same time in all selected schools. It is open to pupils born in 1994 and more than 750 schools can take part.


Literacy Week: Commissioner joins forces with Dutch Minister and Princess to highlight campaign


Androulla Vassiliou will join Dutch Minister for Education, Culture and Science Marja Van Bijsterveldt and Princess Laurentien of The Netherlands, who chairs the Commission's high-level expert group on literacy (IP/11/115), for a reading event with young pupils at the International School of The Hague on 6 September.



European Heritage Days: 50 countries open rarely seen monuments


Brussels / Strasbourg, 9 September 2011 – Over the coming month, more than 20 million people are expected to enjoy access to thousands of rarely opened sites and unique events as part of European Heritage Days, which take place every September in 50 countries across Europe. This locally-led initiative is supported by the European Commission and the Council of Europe, which promote awareness-raising at EU level.


Consultation shows broad support for European Institute of Innovation and Technology


Androulla Vassiliou welcomed the support for the EIT expressed in the consultation: "This clearly shows that that the EIT is on track and that its role in fostering innovation in Europe is essential. There is a strong desire across the board to ensure a sound future for the EIT. The input we have received will help the Commission to design solutions to the innovation challenges that lie ahead."


Vassiliou and Barnier urge Ministers to back drive for digitisation of Europe's heritage


The challenge of making Europe's cultural heritage more accessible on-line and ensuring copyright rules are respected will be among the issues addressed when Ms. Vassiliou, and Michel Barnier, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, join Ministers for Culture and Audiovisual Policy at their informal meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, on 9 September.


UNESCO Summit: Culture can build bridges and reconciliation, says Vassiliou


Brussels, 2 September 2011 - Androulla Vassiliou addressed the 9th UNESCO Regional Summit of Heads of State of South East Europe at the Roman site of Viminacium in Serbia today (2 September).
The Commissioner, who is in the country for a three-day visit at the invitation of President Boris Tadic, spoke on the theme of "Modern Art and reconciliation in South East Europe".


Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou visits Belgrade


Androulla Vassiliou makes an official visit to the capital of Serbia on 1-3 September. The Commissioner takes part in the 9th UNESCO Regional Summit of Heads of State of South East Europe and meets her counterparts in the Serbian Government, Minister of Education Žarko Obradović, Minister of Culture Predrag Marković and Minister of Youth and Sports, Snezana Samardžić-Marković.



EU Youth Conference, Warsaw (5-7 September)


Against a backdrop of rising youth unemployment, economic uncertainty and civil unrest in some European cities, the EU Youth Conference in Warsaw looks at what policy-makers are doing to re-engage with young people in order to encourage them to get more involved in civic and political life. Androulla Vassiliou takes part in the event which brings together 100 youth representatives and policy chiefs from European and national level.



European Commission and Council of Europe sign declaration on multilingualism


Brussels, 26 September 2011 - European Day of Languages: Androulla Vassiliou signs joint declaration with Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, re-affirming their commitment to multilingualism.


European Day of Languages - Greater diversity in second most common foreign language studied


On the 10th European Day of Languages, statistics released by the EU show that the second-most-commonly-studied foreign language in EU schools differs from country to country. European Day of Languages - on 26 September every year - sets out to celebrate this kind of linguistic and cultural diversity, and to promote lifelong language learning both in and out of school.


Talking about languages – Commission translators on the ground across the EU


The European Commission runs a network of translators ("field officers") in its local offices in EU countries whose work is to adapt the Commission's written messages to local audiences and promote better understanding of EU policies and priorities on languages and language-learning.


10th European Day of Languages: what's happening near you


Brussels, 23 September 2011 – 'You live a new life for every new language you speak; if you know only one language, you live only once.' This Czech proverb is one of the slogans for the 10th European Day of Languages, which will be marked on and around 26 September with events including conferences, quizzes, poetry readings and street games (full list here). The aim is to promote language learning and celebrate Europe's linguistic diversity, from the 23 'official' languages of the EU to its wealth of co-official, regional and minority languages and dialects. Androulla Vassiliou will sign a joint declaration with Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, to re-affirm their commitment to multilingualism.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top