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Horizon 2020: Commission proposes €80 billion investment in research and innovation, to boost growth and jobs


Brussels, 30 November 2011 – The European Commission has today presented a package of measures to boost research, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. Androulla Vassiliou has put forward a Strategic Innovation Agenda for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which will receive €2.8 billion of funding under Horizon 2020.


Investing effectively in education and training in a time of crisis


Speech delivered at the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council Brussels, 28 November 2011



Erasmus for All: 5 million in line for EU funding


Brussels, 23 November 2011 - Up to 5 million people, almost twice as many as now, could get the chance to study or train abroad with a grant from Erasmus for All, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport proposed by the European Commission today.


Low maths and science achievement still a challenge for Europe's schools


Brussels, 16 November 2011 – Policy-makers need to do more to help schools tackle low achievement in mathematics and science, according to two reports presented by the European Commission today. The report on maths education reveals that only five European countries (England, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland and Norway) have set national targets to boost achievement levels, although a majority of EU countries provide general guidelines to address pupils' difficulties in this area.


Entrepreneurship education and skills key for competitiveness and jobs


Rome, 11 November 2011. Europe needs more entrepreneurs, more innovation and more jobs. One important aspect is to match the supply of skills to demand in the labour market - by providing the right kinds of training and education. Entrepreneurship education is also increasingly crucial to provide the young generation with creative, independent and successful entrepreneur knowledge and encourage them to start up in business. Recognising the importance of this topic, the Commission had a strong presence at the conference on training, skills and business competitiveness held in Rome today. Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, and Androulla Vassiliou both attended the conference.



Conference examines role of sport agents


Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will open the EU Conference on Sports Agents which takes place in Brussels on 9-10 November. The event focuses on how agents operate in European football and other major team sports, and will address issues such as lack of transparency in player transfers and exploitation of young sportspeople.


Kick it out: EU targets violence and intolerance in sport


Brussels, 8 November 2011 - The European Commission has awarded grants to support initiatives aimed at tackling violence and intolerance in sport, and strengthening the way sport is run in Europe.




European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to create more innovation hubs


Brussels, 30 November 2011 - The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is to step up its efforts to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in the EU with the creation of six new cross-border innovation hubs, known as knowledge and innovation communities (KICs), in 2014-2020.


Award ceremony for the European Union Prize for Literature


The 12 winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Literature will receive their awards this evening during a ceremony at the Hotel Le Plaza in Brussels in the presence of Androulla Vassiliou.


Two Danish cities preselected for title of European Capital of Culture 2017 pdf


Brussels, 25 November 2011 – The selection board responsible for evaluating the applications for the European Capital of Culture 2017, meeting today in Copenhagen, recommended that Aarhus and Sønderborg should be preselected for the title.


Council for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (28-29 November)


EU ministers for education, youth, culture and sport will meet at the Council on 28-29 November. The Commission will be represented by Neelie Kroes (responsible for the digital agenda) and Androulla Vassiliou.


Creative Europe: Commission unveils plan to boost cultural and creative sectors


Brussels, 23 November 2011 – Thousands of people working in cinema, TV, culture, music, performing arts, heritage and related areas would benefit from increased EU support under the new 'Creative Europe' programme unveiled by the European Commission today.



Antwerp celebrates EU cultural heritage awards pdf - 15 KB [15 KB]


BRUSSELS, 18 November 2011. A commemorative plaque will be unveiled at Antwerp Central Station on Monday (21 November) to celebrate its winning the 'Grand Prix' in the 2011 EU Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards. The prize, in the conservation category, was awarded to the station – known as the "Railway Cathedral" – in recognition of the superb restoration of the 1905 industrial heritage site.


Barroso, Rehn and Vassiliou to address global Jean Monnet conference on economic governance


European economic governance in an international context, will be the theme of the European Commission 2011 Global Jean Monnet Conference on 24-25 November. Speakers will include Commission President José Manuel Barroso (by video-link), Olli Rehn (Commission Vice-President for economic and monetary affairs and the euro), Androulla Vassiliou, Robert A. Mundell (winner of the Nobel prize for economics), Etienne Davignon (former Commission Vice-President) and Members of the European Parliament.


G8 Culture Summit: Europe must do more to preserve heritage, says Vassiliou


The challenge of making Europe's cultural heritage more accessible and ensuring a thriving creative economy will be among the issues addressed by Androulla Vassiliou at the Cultural Summit in Avignon, France, on 18 November.



Commissioner Vassiliou supports Universal Children's Day (20 November)


Brussels, 18 November 2011 – On the eve of Universal Children's Day, Androulla Vassiliou said: "Children and young people are the most vulnerable members of our societies. They need care, protection and support. In these difficult times we must not reduce our support for them but rather strengthen our actions to make sure that they have a future. I will soon propose a new programme that will considerably increase the EU's investment in education, training and youth to benefit young people in Europe and beyond."



Translating for Europe… at school!


Brussels, 24 November 2011 – More than 3 000 teenagers from 720 secondary schools across Europe took part in the EU Young Translator (‘Juvenes Translatores’) contest this morning. The 17-year old pupils put their command of foreign languages to the test while trying their hand at being a professional translator.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top