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Commissioner Vassiliou launches 2010 Spring Day for Europe campaign


Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Stavros Lambrinidis, Vice-President of the European Parliament, will launch the 2010 'Spring Day for Europe' campaign in Brussels tomorrow (09:00). The campaign, which runs until 30 June, aims to encourage primary and secondary school-children and their parents to take a closer interest in the big issues affecting Europe, like the economic crisis, youth unemployment, climate change, education and combatting poverty.


Higher education reforms:
Higher education reforms:


Europe must continue to modernise and increase quality, says Vassiliou. A report presented today by the European Commission shows that countries still face challenges in modernising higher education, a decade after the launch of a blueprint for reform known as the 'Bologna Process'. The report, based on data provided by the 46 countries participating in the Process, shows that the economic crisis has affected higher education in different ways, with some countries investing more and others making radical cutbacks in spending. The report will be discussed at the Conference of European Higher Education Ministers, which takes place in Budapest on 11 March and in Vienna on 12 March.



Eurobarometer: Survey reveals large disparities in attitudes to sport and physical exercise


 40% of EU citizens play sport at least once a week and 65% engage in some form of physical exercise. But 25% are almost completely inactive, according to a special Eurobarometer Survey on Sport and Physical Activity published by the European Commission today.

Ireland and the Nordic countries take sport most seriously, with 23% of Irish citizens practising sport 5 times a week or more, while Sweden, Finland and Denmark score the highest ratings for exercising ‘regularly’ or ‘with some regularity’ (once a week or more). At the other end of the scale, only 3% of citizens in Bulgaria, Greece and Italy say they play sport regularly.



Introductory remarks at Informal Ministerial Meeting on Culture


European Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth


"Tracing a growth path for the creative economy"


European Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, The European Forum on Cultural Industries.


25 years of European Capitals of Culture
25 years of European Capitals of Culture


Androulla VASSILIOU Member of the European Commission responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth  – Opening speech Conference on 25th Anniversary of Capitals of Culture Palais-des-Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 23 March 2010


EU celebrates 25th anniversary of European Capitals of Culture


On 23-24 March, the European Commission will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Capitals of Culture with a conference and exhibition in Brussels attended by more than 400 representatives of past, present and future Capitals and many other cultural operators. President José Manuel Barroso and Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will open the event, together with Doris Pack, chair of the Culture Committee of the European Parliament. The conference is aimed at sharing experiences and good practices as well as assessing the impact of the European Capitals of Culture since its launch in 1985.


Ethnic minorities: Brussels conference on EU projects in support of Roma community


Projects financed by the European Union in support of the Roma community and its culture will be in the spotlight at a conference in Brussels organised by the European Commission on 10-11 March. The event is part of the Commission's contribution to the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.


Culture: Commission proposes EU-wide European Heritage Label
Culture: Commission proposes EU-wide European Heritage Label


The European Commission has today proposed to establish the 'European Heritage Label' as an EU-wide initiative. The aim of the Label is to highlight sites that celebrate and symbolize European integration, ideals and history. The proposed Decision to establish the Label will be submitted to the EU's Council of Ministers and the European Parliament for adoption and could come into effect in 2011 or 2012.



Juvenes Translatores Award Ceremony
Juvenes Translatores Award Ceremony


Speech of Androulla VASSILIOU European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth Young talents for an ancient art Juvenes Translatores Award Ceremony Brussels, Charlemagne Building, 25 March 2010


Commissioner Vassiliou congratulates EU's best young translators


The winners of ‘Juvenes Translatores’ (Latin for ‘young translators’), the EU translation contest for secondary schools, will receive their awards tomorrow in Brussels from Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. Twenty-seven pupils, one from each Member State, will be given a trophy and a certificate for producing the best translation from their country. This is the third time that the European Commission has organised this competition.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top