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Talk-show: Commission hosts 15th universities' interpretation conference.


Brussels - The role and added value of interpreting in a globalised world is the theme of the annual universities conference, 17-18 March. The conference, now in its 15th year, brings together nearly 80 universities offering conference interpreter training courses, with representatives of national governments and European and international institutions. Opened by Commissioner Vassiliou the discussions cover trends and developments, new technologies and the European Commission's involvement in international training projects, in particular its work in Africa with the United Nations and African Union Commission.


Vassiliou hosts Cypriot reception for Nobel Prize winner Pissarides


Ms Vassiliou hosted a Cypriot reception in honour of Professor Christopher Pissarides, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Economics for his work on labour-market policy and combating unemployment. Pissarides was in Brussels to address a conference on the future of European labour markets and a seminar on employment policies in times of crisis. During his visit, he also took part in a working dinner with Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Commissioner Vassiliou as well as Commissioners Olli Rehn and László Andor.



EU needs to raise its game on evidence base for sport policy, says Vassiliou.


The European Union needs to improve its database of statistics and information on the economic role of sport as a basis for evidence-based policies in the future, according to Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou. The Commission hosts a conference in Brussels tomorrow (23 March) aimed at overcoming this deficit, which was highlighted in the Commission's new strategy for sport, adopted in January.



Six finalists announced for the 2011 EU Prize for contemporary architecture/Mies van der Rohe Award 2011.


BRUSSELS, 22 March - The European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation  have announced the six finalists competing for the 2011 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – the Mies van der Rohe Award. They have been shortlisted from 343 works in 33 European countries. The award ceremony will take place on 20 June at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain.



Romanian city wins Piccolingo award for children's early language learning.


Cluj-Napoca in Romania was named today as the winner of the first-ever 'Piccolingo in Action' contest, which promotes foreign language learning by pre-school children. The contest is part of a multilingualism campaign spearheaded by Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.



eTwinning for cross-border learning: School projects of the year announced.


Now in its seventh year, the European Commission’s 'eTwinning' scheme ( involves more than 130,000 teachers in 31 countries who are using information and communication technologies (ICT) to set up cross-border educational projects. 500 teachers and 120 pupils are meeting in Budapest on 31 March-2 April to share ideas for future eTwinning initiatives and to celebrate the eight best eTwinning projects of the year, involving schools from Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey.


European Institute of Innovation and Technology set to deliver first results.


Androulla Vassiliou has congratulated the chief executives of the three hubs at the heart of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) following the signing of seven-year partnership agreements with the Commission. The hubs, known as 'knowledge and innovation communities' (KICs), focus on sustainable energy (InnoEnergy KIC), climate change (Climate KIC) and information and communication society (EIT ICTLabs). The agreements, which include a one-year grant of up to €10 million for each KIC, mean the Institute can start rolling out educational programmes with EIT-labelled Masters' and PhDs, research projects and help set up new businesses. "The KICs have the potential to become powerful motors of innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe," said Commissioner Vassiliou.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top