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Ministers back Commission's action plan to fight early school leaving


Statement by Commissioner Vassiliou at meeting of Education Ministers (20 May 2011)

"Today we are taking an important step forwards in the fight against early school leaving in Europe and in achieving one of the Europe 2020 headline targets. This task is a vital one - Europe cannot afford to leave six million young people without clear prospects for their further education and employment."


Half of young Europeans ready to work abroad


According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, 53% of young people in Europe are willing or keen to work in another European country but feel they can't afford to spend a period studying abroad, which would be a good first step. The survey highlights a huge gap between the widespread desire of young people to work abroad and actual workforce mobility: less than 3% of Europe's working population currently live outside their home country. The survey - conducted as part of the Commission's 'Youth on the Move' strategy - is published to coincide with 2011 European Youth Week (15-21 May).


Strengthening support for Europe's young people - Youth on the Move event in Florence


A five-day programme of events will take place in the Italian city of Florence from 6-10 May to promote 'Youth on the Move', the EU initiative aimed at improving education, tackling youth unemployment and encouraging study and training abroad. On 6 May, Ms. Vassiliou will open a 200 sq metre Youth on the Move tent in the city centre; this will be the focal point for information and awareness-raising activities on the benefits of study, training and volunteering abroad.



Commissioner Vassiliou informs Ministers about latest developments at the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT)


The Commission recently launched a public consultation) on the Institute's first 'strategic innovation agenda', which will set out its priorities and headline targets for the next seven years (see press release). The consultation, which runs until 30 June, focuses on key questions including the EIT's mandate, objectives and future funding. The Commissioner will encourage feedback from Member States and highlight the impact the Institute can have in raising private money, fostering talent and boosting European competitiveness.


Agreement reached on European Heritage Label


Commissioner Vassiliou has welcomed an agreement by EU Culture Ministers to launch a "European Heritage Label", to be awarded to sites that celebrate the history and development of the European Union. The first sites to receive the new Label will be announced in 2013.


Female scriptwriters share 2011 MEDIA European Talent Prize


 Scriptwriters Virág Zomborácz (Hungary) and Hanna Sköld (Sweden) will share this year's MEDIA European Talent Prize for their film scripts for Afterlife and Granny's Dancing on the Table. The annual prize is awarded to the best film project supported by the European Union's MEDIA fund for cinema; experts rate the scripts on their potential to reach a pan-European audience. This year two projects received the same number of points so the prize is shared. Androulla Vassiliou will present the awards at the Cannes Film Festival on 15 May.


9 May – Europe Day: 27 films from the 27 EU countries


Thanks to Eurocine 27 - a joint initiative by the European Union and the UGC network - 27 films from the 27 EU countries will be shown on 9 May to celebrate and promote cultural diversity in Europe.


9 May – Europe Day: 27 films from the 27 EU countries


Thanks to Eurocine 27 - a joint initiative by the European Union and the UGC network - 27 films from the 27 EU countries will be shown on 9 May to celebrate and promote cultural diversity in Europe.



Singer and cellist in tune with language learning


 The renowned Belgian cellist David Cohen and singer Dani Klein, who enjoyed chart-topping success with Vaya Con Dios in the Nineties, will share their experience of learning and using foreign languages during an award ceremony in Brussels on 10 May for winners of the European Commission's 'Tongue Stories' competition. The online contest invited people to reveal how a knowledge of foreign languages made a difference to their lives, personally or professionally. The winners were selected from nearly 600 contributions through online votes.

To find out more:


Androulla Vassiliou awards the MEDIA European Talent Prize
Androulla Vassiliou awards the MEDIA European Talent Prize



On 15 May, Androulla Vassiliou awarded the MEDIA European Talent Prize to scriptwriters Virág Zomborácz (Hungary) and Hanna Sköld (Sweden) for their film scripts 'Afterlife' and 'Granny's Dancing on the Table'. The annual prize is awarded to the best film project supported by the European Union's MEDIA fund for cinema; experts rate the scripts on their potential to reach a pan-European audience. This year two projects received the same number of points so the prize is shared.


Cannes Film Festival celebrates 20 years of MEDIA programme


The 20th anniversary of the European Commission's MEDIA programme for cinema will be the focus of the annual "European Rendezvous" at the Cannes Film Festival on 16 May. Androulla Vassiliou and Gilles Jacob, President of the Festival, will host the event with 20 European film directors, including Costa-Gavras, Théo Angelopoulos, Radu Mihaileanu and Jaco Van Dormael. They will discuss the MEDIA fund's achievements and the future of film-making in Europe. This year, MEDIA is supporting 20 films at the Festival, including eight in competition for the festival's top prize, the Palme d'Or.


Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top