This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Speech on the competitiveness of Europe’s economy and financial system at the 23rd Ambrosetti workshop pdf - 148 KB [148 KB] italiano (it)


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Missions to help EU enterprises benefit from growth regions in the world
Missions to help EU enterprises benefit from growth regions in the world


European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani will continue his visits to growth regions in the world to help European enterprises, in particular small and medium sized enterprises, to better profit from fast growing emerging markets, such as in China or in South East Asia and Latin America.

Following the success of his missions to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay in 2011, Mr Tajani will visit Latin America and the US in 2012. As it was the case on his visit to Brazil Mr Tajani intends to undertake these missions together with leading European business organisations and companies from the EU Member States.


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Antonio Tajani has been awarded by the Optical Society of America
Antonio Tajani has been awarded by the Optical Society of America


March 28 – Today, European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship, received the award by the Optical Society of America for his commitment to the promotion of key enabling technologies. The prise is awarded every year to an outstanding public official, who demonstrates leadership and efforts in this sector.


New initiatives to assist small enterprises to go international
New initiatives to assist small enterprises to go international


On the occasion of the third meeting of SME envoys in Brussels today, Vice President Antonio Tajani announced a series of new and updated initiatives to assist Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to go international.


Concorso di disegno Galileo: il Vicepresidente Antonio Tajani premia il vincitore italiano


Uno dei satelliti della galassia Galileo porterà il nome di un bambino italiano, vincitore del concorso di disegno indetto dalla Commissione europea. Il nome del vincitore sarà annunciato dal Vicepresidente della Commissione europea con delega sull'Industria, sull'imprenditoria e sullo spazio Antonio Tajani in occasione della cerimonia che si terrà il 22 Marzo alle ore 12.00 a Roma, presso lo Spazio Europa in via Quattro Novembre 149.

European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani in an official Visit to London


On March 13th, 14th and 15th, European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, will be on an official visit to London for a series of meetings with institutions representatives and stakeholders related to industry, SMEs and space.


Also Slovakia joined the initiative of Vice President Tajani "50 000 tourists
Also Slovakia joined the initiative of Vice President Tajani "50 000 tourists


See the video of signing the Memorandum of Understanding with Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Construction and Regional Development, Ján Figel '.


Jobs and stability: EU-Tunisia industry cooperation forges ahead
Jobs and stability: EU-Tunisia industry cooperation forges ahead


Tunisia's considerable progress in aligning the legislative system and the quality infrastructure with those of the EU could soon enable full access to the Single Market  for products that will be negotiated within the scope of an agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products (ACAA).


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top