This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani met with Avigdor Lieberman, Israel Foreign Minister
Meeting with Israel Foreign Minister


on 24 July European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship, met with Avigdor Lieberman, Israel Foreign Minister, for an exchange of views on the political situation in the Middle East and on the cooperation EU-Israel.

Among the topics under discussion, the evolution of the situation in Syria and in neighbouring states. The horrific attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria has also been recalled together with the common will to strengthen cooperation on security and fighting to terrorism. In this regard, Vice President Tajani announced that on 30 July, the Commission will adopt a Communication on the Industrial Policy for the Security Industry.

Minister Lieberman expressed his willingness to further intensify cooperation in industrial innovation and technological development. On this purpose, Lieberman and Tajani decided to organize an EU- Israel day on innovation and technology, inviting the most advanced enterprises


Informal Competitiveness Council


SMEs as an engine for economic growth. Press Release

Tajani at the EU-US Workshop on SMEs


In the framework of the Transatlantic Economic Council stakeholders and government representatives agreed in Rome to facilitate SMEs presence in both continents. In line with the recent Letter of Intent signed by European Commission VP Tajani and US Deputy Secretary Blank, it is planned to further collaborate on initiatives and support for SMEs.

The Speech. The IP


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top