This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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The Vice-President of the European Commission Antonio Tajani called on Space Industrial leaders of Galileo


Space Policy is a major European responsibility which falls under Vice-President Tajani's portfolio, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship also. On the 23rd of March Mr. Tajani met with both the CEOs of the European Space industries that will take charge of the project on the services of the global navigation satellite system Galileo, and with the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA) Jean-Jacques Dordain, to thrash out details related to Galileo.


Facilitating SME’s access to stock markets


Vice-President Tajani chaired the second high-level meeting of the SME Finance Forum with representatives of the financial sector and business organisations. He announced an action plan for improving SMEs’ access to finance, including access to venture capital, by the end of this year. The action plan intends to strengthen the European financial instruments targeting SMEs and includes a legislative regime that allows venture capital funds to operate easily across borders by 2012.


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top