This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Defence and Security Industries © Olga Golovina -
High Level Conference "Defence and Security Industries and Markets", Brussels


In times of fiscal restraints with national defence budgets under pressure, the internal market for defence goods will get a boost with the forthcoming transposition of the two defence directives in June and August 2011.


Africa © jean claude braun -
Euro-Med conference: Pledge for economic cooperation between EU and Mediterranean countries


The democratic uprisings that occurred in the Mediterranean area and the rightful claims of young people for jobs and a better future in these countries have made it clear that the EU needs to offer greater support to the region, both from a democratic and economic perspective.


Interview of Vice President Antonio Tajani in PressEurope blog: “Citizens of Europe need responses that the member states cannot give on their own"


Antonio Tajani is Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship. Presseurop met up with him at the International Festival of Journalism in Perugia (Italy) last April.


Reducing Youth unemployment by fostering entrepreneurship and new enterprises


In spite of the European economy’s recovery, young people across Europe continue to face high levels of unemployment. This is unbearable for European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani who wishes to see the fight against youth unemployment put at the top of the political agenda. Therefore he has dedicated also Europe Day 2011 to young people who have faced difficulties finding work. To this end he will meet with more than 1000 young people at the University of Milan Bicocca together with representatives of all leading Italian trade unions and of entrepreneurial associations. In line with the success of Erasmus for Entrepreneurs and other European based initiatives, Europe must continue to work to fulfil the employment needs of young people.


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top