This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Truck © Barbara Noskowski,
Vice President Tajani gets assurance from Italian government to stop road blockades


Following media reports on road blockades in some parts of Italy, the Italian Minister for Internal Affairs, Anna Maria Cancellieri, assured European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani that the Italian government would undertake all necessary measures to bring the blockades to an end.


VP Antonio Tajani with Juan Carlos I, the King of Spain © European Union
Tajani in Spain meeting King Juan Carlos I and the new Government


Vice President Antonio Tajani visited Madrid for the first official meeting with the new Spanish government. He participated in meetings and conferences aimed to boosting growth and competitiveness in Europe. Mr Tajani met Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to discuss the EU strategy for growth, with particular attention to the issue of tourism, SMEs and jobs.

Listen to the Radio Gestiona interview mp3 - 8 MB [8 MB] español (es) .


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top