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Networks of twinned towns

Active Citizenship for Stronger Europe

The project Active Citizenship for Stronger Europe is aimed to get citizens up, act together and share good practices and ideas on leisure and adult education services.

Cities of change - co-operation of cities in the field of city development

The project “Cities of change - cooperation of cities in the field of city development” is the first step of creating a thematic network between 14 cities from 11 EU Member States.

Consumer rights in the region of SE Europe and European practice

The goal of project CRrSEE is to create a "Consumer 'Networks of twinned towns'.

Europe - Teaching and Learning from Each Other

The project is conceived as an opportunity to bring Europe closer to our citizens.

From YU to EU

In the framework of "European Youth Capital 2013" hosted by Municipality of Maribor in 2013, the "From YU to EU" project aims to strengthen the bonds between the twinned towns and with others from former Yugoslavian republic.

Handbook of positive European Citizen

The project "Handbook of positive European Citizen” is aimed on analysing the dimension of citizenship on local and European level.

JOGGLE - JOin Generations for Getting Legality in Europe

JOGGLE is a bottom-up project to discuss the illegalities which hits citizens' daily lives.

Little big things in Europe and in our local communities

«LBTINEU» is a thematic network project, developed among various European municipalities based in 6 countries.

PLAY EUROPE: Promotion of the Leadership of Active Youth in Europe

PLAY Europe project intends to promote active leadership at European level among the youth of different EU countries, in order to improve the competence and skills of future political leaders towards European Agenda understanding and setting.

Promoting vulnerable consumers knowledge and information of Energy Efficiency

The aim of a project “Promoting vulnerable consumers knowledge and information of Energy Efficiency” is to promote knowledge of consumers with limited resources (unemployed, preretirement and pensionable age persons and other Social groups) about energy efficiency.

Town networking through the Atlantic

As shown by experience, town twinning has given birth to different city networks all around the world.

Go Green Now (IT)

The objective of achieving a more efficient use of energy at local level is connected to effective awareness raising actions and to the analysis of the specific local realities (clime, infrastructures, legislation, knowledge level) targeting the citizens in terms of sustainable lifestyles and conscious consumptions. Another important aspect is tied to the involvement of local actors in the planning and adoption of innovative solutions in terms of policies and technologies and transport fostering and increasing the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources at local level in a long term perspective in order to go from awareness raising actions to concrete ones.

3x20 Network: A European approach towards CO2 emissions reduction through awareness raising actions

Taking into account the objective of the EU2020 strategy for a sustainable growth, the 3x20 network aimed at fostering a European approach toward CO2 emission reduction, through awareness raising actions on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in everyday life, exchanging local experiences and defining common communication and participation strategies.

QLSE European Network on forward policies and actions for seniors in Europe

The “European Network on forward policies and actions for seniors in Europe” (QLSE) project started from a nowadays very challenging issue: an ageing population raises many fundamental questions for policymakers – as “how do we help people to remain independent and active as they age? As people are living longer, how can the quality of life in old age improve or maintain? Indeed, the word “active” refers to continuing participation in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic affairs, not just the ability to be physically active. Maintaining autonomy and independence as senior should be a key goal for both individuals and policy makers.

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