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Consumer rights in the region of SE Europe and European practice


The goal of project CRrSEE is to create a "Consumer 'Networks of twinned towns'.

The goal of project CRrSEE is to create a "Consumer 'Networks of twinned towns' aimed to the exchange of useful information about the security/insecurity of consumers, the freedom of market and the quality of supply to consumers (with a specific focus on Croatia soon becoming a Member State of the EU).

The objectives of this Project is to have greater security and better quality food for consumers in the region, and through “Consumer' Networks” to highlight the problems of food safety and to promote joint activities and other holders of consumer protection "of twinned towns".

A practical list of good practices within the EU should also be provided through the activities of the project.

Coordinator: Association of Consumers "Klub potrosaca" Tuzla (BA)
Partner countries: HR, RS, HU
Venue: Tuzla (BA), Osijek (HR), Novi Sad (RS), Pecs (HU)
Grant awarded: 27.000€